Part of my existence as a colored (skin and mind) child took place in Bridgeport. At the age of 9, my mother decided to move the family to 24th and Canal,where we set up
shop in a condominium building called Appleville.....I lived there for about 5 years,and boy was I unwelcome....

I was chased home by whites and Asians almost every other week,and at the time,I didn't know what prejudice or racism was...I just thought they were bullies,but they never caught me or my friends.....they just made my legs stronger.....However,I had so much fun there regardless of the hate and being unwanted( no sob story here).

Fast forward to now,and just moving back from Brooklyn, I notice how bridgeport is starting to mirror brooklyn in so many ways:
DIYers,vintage spacious prewar buildings,artistic and festive....

However,is this just bridgeport with a facelift and same ole hateful heart?.....or has Bridgeport become universal and now dances to a true social tune?

As an up and coming vintage bike converter and konstruct artist, I would like to get involved with the area....but without the chases.

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I suggest living with the evil white raciss devils.
Depends on which part of Bridgeport ya live in... East of Halsted is still old school Irish and Italian. North of 31st is pretty much Chinese. West and South of Halsted and 31st is pretty mixed with Hispanic, Asian and White working class with a smattering of Blacks. I have lived in Bridgeport and Canaryville(btw, what the hell is New City? Only U of C pukes call Canaryville and Back 'o the Yards that!) for 3 years and have not seen any problems involving race... if ya want to get a feel of the old hood, we have a SouthSide ride that meets at Bernices Tavern the last Monday of every month...
I've been around Bridgeport quite a bit over the years but have never lived there. It's my understanding that there is some "ownership issues" of certain areas of Bridgeport, particularly Armour Square Park, which it appears (to me anyway) that if one is not fair skinned one might have problems.


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