From my old cycling club, the Potomac Pedalers Touring Club, around Washington, DC:


Seems to be the first time that a cyclist has been hit for a speeding ticket in that neck of the woods. Knowing Alexandria a little, I was wondering where you could get that sort of speed up without a pro quality leadout train.


That's not a very bike friendly patch, in case you're wondering


Here's to some ridable weather



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Haven't heard of it happening around here.  I wonder if the cyclist had a speedometer.


"Sorry, Office, I didn't know I was going that fast."

This guy needs to get a good lawyer. 


In court they will ask to see how the radar gun was calibrated and whether it is rated for bicycles or objects with such a small radar signature.  My guess is that it is not -nor was the officer trained in using it in such way.


31 in a 25 is barely 10% over and the error of using a machine that hasn't been calibrated and tuned to register bicycles accurately may have an error greater than that.


Fight it dude.  A bicycle is not a motor vehicle. It's just a human-powered frame on wheels. The next thing they will ticket is a runner going over 25MPH as that is doable with a really fast runner for bursts.


There seems to be a lot of anti-bicycle pushback in the non-riding population lately.  I wonder why that is?


That made my day.  The 2-sided party isn't hostile!  That's just for show.

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Does it have anything to do with the recent hostile takeover of the House or Reps?



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