I'm thinking we could leave early on a Saturday, stay the night, and then head back Sunday afternoon. It's about 50 miles, so probably take 5 hours or so. I've never ridden it, so if anyone has a path or suggestions, post em!

Maybe last weekend in May or First in June...?

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I rode out and back from Chicago to the Dunes on Monday with a couple of friends. It's a pretty straightforward trip as long as you stick to the main bike paths (Burnham, Oak Savannah, Prairie Duneland). The only slightly confusing bit if the detour through Hobart, connecting the latter two paths.

One minor thing to consider is that there is a $2 per bike park entrance fee -- and the park's bicycle police will chase you down if you forget to pay it at the gate.
anything for a dolla. sheesh

J said:
I rode out and back from Chicago to the Dunes on Monday with a couple of friends. It's a pretty straightforward trip as long as you stick to the main bike paths (Burnham, Oak Savannah, Prairie Duneland). The only slightly confusing bit if the detour through Hobart, connecting the latter two paths.

One minor thing to consider is that there is a $2 per bike park entrance fee -- and the park's bicycle police will chase you down if you forget to pay it at the gate.
Sorry guys, I've been gone the last 5 days...but at the meeting we figured we need to know our numbers so...ANYONE WHO HAS NOT RSVP'd DO IT NOW...please! We have 3 sites right now, and are trying to figure the tent situation. If we end up with more people attending, it's not our fault if you do not have a place to sleep. You will end up having to sleep on the beach cuddled up with Joe.
Shar wrote everything down, and posted our findings... refer to her post if you missed the meet up.
We're going to take the bike path way.
I'm going to get a few of the NWI bike path maps asap.
Hey guys,
Sorry I couldnt make the meet up last night, I didnt get outta work until about 1230. It's me plus 1 for sure on Friday with Bret and Joes group. I will have a 2 person tent for me and the lady, UNLESS you guys decide to do the REI thing- I would be more than happy to go that way as well.
To bret and joe and Lindsay - what kind of speed are you all thinking to get there on Friday? From what I've read joe likes to ride fast. - we plan to ride back Sunday with the group.
looking forward to it.

Lindsay E. Stout said:
Sorry guys, I've been gone the last 5 days...but at the meeting we figured we need to know our numbers so...ANYONE WHO HAS NOT RSVP'd DO IT NOW...please! We have 3 sites right now, and are trying to figure the tent situation. If we end up with more people attending, it's not our fault if you do not have a place to sleep. You will end up having to sleep on the beach cuddled up with Joe.
Shar wrote everything down, and posted our findings... refer to her post if you missed the meet up.
FRI JUNE 5, 6, 7
Nathaniel D. Buckner said:
For some reason I can't seem to find the date on the posting....What day? This weekend or next? Next, I'm in. This, I'm out.
I just joined this site after Biking the Drive. Since I'm in NW Indiana, I'm happy to lend comments. The route outlined here both in the Mapmyride and the one used for LeTour de Shore are spot on. They are that trials I ride every night. The guy that went to Marktown, great place, huh. Wrong way to go.
Since I'm in the area, I might be able to easily help with food, grill, and other stuff too. Caveat: not sure of my plans next weekend and I'm way busy until Tuesday night. It'd be fun to catch you all on my regular ride. I'm sure I'm old enough to be a chaperone to most of you, but also the mostly likely to show up with the drinks, firewood, marshmellow, etc, too if that works for anyone. ;o)
One of you major organizer-types want to drop me a note with a cell number to coordinate when I get back?
hi woody,
thanks for the message on the discussion board for the dune's ride.
if you want to stop by to meet us all please feel comfortable to do so.

ilivenxsatgmail said:
I just joined this site after Biking the Drive. Since I'm in NW Indiana, I'm happy to lend comments. The route outlined here both in the Mapmyride and the one used for LeTour de Shore are spot on. They are that trials I ride every night. The guy that went to Marktown, great place, huh. Wrong way to go.
Since I'm in the area, I might be able to easily help with food, grill, and other stuff too. Caveat: not sure of my plans next weekend and I'm way busy until Tuesday night. It'd be fun to catch you all on my regular ride. I'm sure I'm old enough to be a chaperone to most of you, but also the mostly likely to show up with the drinks, firewood, marshmellow, etc, too if that works for anyone. ;o)
One of you major organizer-types want to drop me a note with a cell number to coordinate when I get back?
Lindsay: Thanks for tuning me onto the site!
Funny thing: Elliot (who sent you the route) is one of the people I am doing my trip with and this is the route, so here's a little bit of info that we were gleaning....

At the point where there is the knife and fork (the international sign for "EAT"), there is a large park area with pinic benches and a little dock. This is where we figured would be a good spot for everyone to meet up and have a snack. As for food that night near the park, there is a LOT of fast food joints a few miles outside the park, on the way in around the park. However, there are also a series of little diners. I did some looking on Yelp! and saw a few that looked tasty. I'll find that list and get you the names at CM.

Lindsay E. Stout said:
We're going to take the bike path way.
I'm going to get a few of the NWI bike path maps asap.
hey, not sure who's keeping tabs, but i have a 2-3 person tent to share. anything else we're looking at needing for the trip? also, from what i understand, it's shar, erick, juan, jim, and i on saturday. if i remember correctly, we're shooting for 7 am? any particular place we're meeting up at/starting from? and if anyone lives closer to that point than i, can i bum on your couch the night before to save on travel time... i'll probably be working till midnight friday night and want to max out on sleep.
we are meeting at buckinham fountain and erick and I just live right around the corner from you at kimball,milwaukee,diversey. so if you want just meet us at our place at 7 then we'll ride up to the fountain to meet anyone else... want to be on the path by 8.
we did score a 6+ man tent from one of our friends and we're asking another friend for theirs as well... hopefully they'll lend it. we want to minimize 2 man tents on the sites....so everyone is about to get cozy with one another :)

brandon lee* said:
hey, not sure who's keeping tabs, but i have a 2-3 person tent to share. anything else we're looking at needing for the trip? also, from what i understand, it's shar, erick, juan, jim, and i on saturday. if i remember correctly, we're shooting for 7 am? any particular place we're meeting up at/starting from? and if anyone lives closer to that point than i, can i bum on your couch the night before to save on travel time... i'll probably be working till midnight friday night and want to max out on sleep.
Let me know if this is accurate
Tent Count:
Brett - 2 person tent
Amy - 2 person tent
Shar - 6 plus
Brandon - 2 Person
Josh - 2 person

Total - Enough tents to fit 14 people
If our count is accurate, this should be more than enough...


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