New P's this Thursday, LCD/Hot Chip on 10/25 and 26.
Anyone interested in going? Reply on or off forum.

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Going to LCD!
Me too! - I'm going to LCD & Hot Chip on Monday night 10/25.
i'll be at New Pornos. my friend blaine is in that band.
LCD puts on a show. Would like to make it, but will be @ work. Might be the last chance to see them as Murphy says the music is done.
Thank you for reminding me Howard. Just purchased a ticket for the 26th.
Joe TV,

Right you are. Saw them at the Metro earlier this year and it was one of the best shows I've seen.
I've seen both Hot Chip and LCD, both are awesome. The XX opened for Hot Chip, and LCD was at Pitchfork.
I'm requesting GF permission for the 10/26 show.
Oh My God Damn LCD and Hot Chip, holy smokes. Electronic music.
possibly going on the 26th.
Confirmed for the 26th. Taking the train, bike was stolen today :(
My lady and I will be attending on tuesday night. It should be swell.


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