Hi, all! I'm looking to find a touring partner for a trip I want to do this summer, preferably some time in the first half of the summer. Essentially I'm just looking for interested people, and we could work out details of where we'd go and when later.

I'd like to start out from Chicago if possible, and do 60-70 miles a day (on average) for at least a week, up to about 2 weeks. I have a road bike I alter a bit for touring, as well as everything we'd need to camp including a 2-person tent and ultralight cooking/eating equipment. I suspect we'd stay with the occasional Warmshowers.org contact, too, for fun and to meet new people.

I really only have camping stuff for two, but if there's lots of interest we could possibly get a group of 3-4 going. Beyond 4, though, warmshowers might not be an option. Gets a little cumbersome for hosts.

I'm a 23-year-old male Chicagoan transplanted from Ohio. I'm a full-time journalism student at Columbia College and a part-time chef with an underground supper club, found at clandestinodining.org. I wrote for daily newspapers in Ohio. (brandonsmith.com/about). Friend me on Facebook for a more in-depth look, facebook.com/brandoniamsmith, mentioning The Chain Link.

Extra points in the heart for anyone who wants to make their way to West Virginia for some white water rafting.

Might be useful for you to mention previous touring experience you've had and your equipment setup, particularly about your bike, rack and panniers, and sleeping bag.

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I'd be interested in something like that. I've been wanting to do the Grand Illinois Trail:


I've done some short (3 day) tours and overnighters, and have most of the setup.


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