Anyone looking for a roommate starting between now and June 1?

I'd love to hear from people (or groups of 2 or 3) people looking for a place in the Logan Square/Palmer Square area. I'd also consider moving in with an already-established person or group in the area.

If you have two people, it's possible a friend and I could split a cool 4-bedroom with you. This friend is also an avid biker.

I'm a journalism student at Columbia and a part-time chef. See for professional stuff and for other stuff. Friend me with "roommate search" as a message if need be.

Happy hunting for us all!

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I'm looking for roomate. I have place 2 bedroom apt.humboldt park. 450.utls inc.
Oh cool. Let's have coffee and go see the place. (You'll have to accept my friend request to receive personal messages from me.) You could also friend me on facebook,

Julia said:
I'm looking for roomate. I have place 2 bedroom apt.humboldt park. 450.utls inc.
Here is my place .you can check it out.


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