I came across a Sun Times column by Carol Marin from last week about how she doored a bicyclist outside a Starbucks. Anyone know who it was? I hope they are OK. I put a post about it up on www.IllinoisBicycleLaw.com.

Ride Safe!

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A cynic might conclude that Mr Keating is trolling here for a potential client.

I guess that Sun Times Article would be a party admission against interest.  I always love how they describe the incident as if the cyclist ran into the door... 

It's good that at least one person in Chicago is looking in their side view mirror before opening their door now.  7,999,999 more to go.

Hey! Why not? If a cyclist can get justice, then good for Mr Keating. 

Albany Park Al said:

A cynic might conclude that Mr Keating is trolling here for a potential client.

I guess I'm a cynic because that is the exact conclusion I came to.

Albany Park Al said:

A cynic might conclude that Mr Keating is trolling here for a potential client.

Like how you're trolling for some kind of praise for expertly pointing out that Keating is guilty of being a lawyer while posting on a cyclo-centric message board?  Yeah, it's cynical to read any other motives into Keating's posting here besides trying to put his name out there and help out cyclists.  I have no knowledge of the quality of Keatings' service, but it's nice to have a lawyer or two around here that seem eager to help out cyclists in the unfortunate event that they ever need legal counsel.    

Albany Park Al said:

A cynic might conclude that Mr Keating is trolling here for a potential client.

LOL. That's how I'd put it!

Zoetrope said:

Like how you're trolling for some kind of praise for expertly pointing out ....

That's a great idea.  Carol Marin should be a good payday!

Albany Park Al said:

A cynic might conclude that Mr Keating is trolling here for a potential client.

Having been doored myself, I can see how a dooring can happen.  Usually, the cyclist lacks the time to properly size up the situation and make the choice of action. The driver needs to look behind the car, preferably twice and hold off opening the door until absolutely sure that the way is clear.

Easier said than done, but the best way to avoid being doored is not to ride in the door zone.

Too bad most bike lanes are door-zone lanes...

Off topic - a friend recently asked for a lawyer referral after a crash and I said, "Call Lawyer Jim... it sounds like I'm being a jerk, but his SEO is really good and that's all you need to know."

notoriousDUG said:


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