Anyone out there a master crafter? Or know someone or a place that can do miracles? My wife owns this quilt that her best friend made years ago, and it's VERY dear to her. Sadly, it fell onto our paper shredder in our cracker jack box of a Lincoln Park apartment. She is so incredibly upset that I can't stand it. Her best friend hasn't touched crafts in years, so she surely can't fix it. The damage is rough, but localized, and I think it is very salvageable. I know this is not a bike post, but I had a feeling someone here might have some knowledge on skillful people in Chicago. Also, I really can't stand how upset she is, so if I could get this quilt resurrected, that would be awesome.

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I sent a message to someone who I think would be able to help. I'll let you know if she's willing.

Thank you, Kevin! Hopefully she is, and hopefully this is a doable task.

Hi Matt!  I just sent you a friend request.  Send me a private message with your phone number and we'll talk quilting.  I do quilting as a profession.  I'll make you a good deal and we'll get it fixed up.  k? Thanks for letting me know about this Kevin.  I don't like people to sit around on a quilting emergency for too long.  :)

Hannah and Kevin! Thank you both! Hannah, I will send you a message shortly!


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