Need a ride that starts in Oak Park and ends in Oak Park from 5-7 miles would be perfect. Any help would be great
I am sure you could stay in Oak Park and put together a bicycle tour of Frank Lloyd Wright homes. You can use this as a guide: Find the addresses and google map it.
Green Line Wheels has some maps on line for tours of Oak Park and the surrounding area.
Hey there! I'm (relatively) new to the OP. Been here 3 years but have ridden in and about the village quite a bit (Salt Creek, Prairie Path, North Branch, FLW "zone"). If you want to get together to ride, "friend" me and give me some dates/times to meet :)
Lee Diamond's done a tour of Oak Park. He might have a map available. His tour's are usually 10-15 miles and zig zag up and down side streets stopping at points of architectural interest.
Hi Dave -
You may be interested in this:!/events/490849304320973/
Or this:
Or this:
Hope you find what you're looking for!
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