Anyone have the sewing skills to make up a very simple pannier?

All of the recent CM rides have been going to the wrong part of town for my sound trailer . . .
I need something very simple but sturdy to carry a few batteries in for an on-the-bike sound system I've been trying to get functional.
Anyone have the skills to make something like this, basically a flap that goes over a short front rack with a pouch on each side, and a machine that can handle canvas?
Thx . . .

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I would think that Isaac could make up something really cool.
modiste1000 at

Kate Kamphausen

Fellow biker and sewer extrodiinaire
I'd start with something I found at a second-hand store. I see those medium-sized green canvas Dutch army-surplus gas-mask bags all the time for a buck or so. You could easily sew a flap between a couple of them by hand in a few minutes even without a machine. That's what I would do at least.

But there are dozens of folks with small audio set-ups at the mass. In August I followed a guy on a trike with a pretty decent set-up (and good taste in music). But IMHO your trailer is the ultimate in cool, and your music isn't bad either. You should keep it up if you can. Are you afraid that people are going to come out and steal your gear? Do you need to have a few folks that'll commit to sticking near you and backing you up and riding you home after mass?
I had Isaac do my bag and he does great work. He is local and can do about anything you can think up.
My first thought is that you really need a tandem pulling tractor bike for more horsepower/range with that heavy rig. A pedal-powerstroke 18-wheeler! That's what I thought every time I saw it (I didn't know you were THAT guy, until you just mentioned it in this thread).

But then you'd still need to find a volunteer to be a stoker...

Leaders always need followers, or they are just some crazy dude doing something all alone if nobody else thinks following is worthwhile.

H3N3 said:
James Baum said:
I'd start with something I found at a second-hand store. I see those medium-sized green canvas Dutch army-surplus gas-mask bags all the time for a buck or so. You could easily sew a flap between a couple of them by hand in a few minutes even without a machine. That's what I would do at least.

But there are dozens of folks with small audio set-ups at the mass. In August I followed a guy on a trike with a pretty decent set-up (and good taste in music). But IMHO your trailer is the ultimate in cool, and your music isn't bad either. You should keep it up if you can. Are you afraid that people are going to come out and steal your gear? Do you need to have a few folks that'll commit to sticking near you and backing you up and riding you home after mass?

It's just the range/distance, really.
I have to haul it 5 miles just to get to the mass.
Have tried to find help getting it home but no takers-- it's kind of fussy so I think having someone else whacking potholes and speed bumps with it would be the end of my nerves anyways.
Truth be told if it got stolen I'd say "we had a good run" and move on . . . but for the most part Alex W's "weird stuff" rule applies-- people generally don't mess with unusual things.
Good idea on the thrift stores-- need something pretty small and I rarely get to those places-- and sewing this flap is about the same work as the simple design I had in mind- I'd be back on here with a "who can sew a flap" thread.
Yeah, i was thinking about posting a similar thread, but I need a bike commuter friendly bag/case to hold my Chef knives and supplies for my daily 3hr bike+train commute.
H3N3 said:
I think you're thinking of Todd Allen? The trailer with the hood over it?
Mine's a box with full-range drivers that light up at night and a downward-firing 15" sub.
It says 1997-2007 on it . . .
Anyways, Todd's got a little trick for hauling all that weight by himself . . .

I've seen both of those trailers at the mass I think -I'm fairly sure I've seen yours. Todd's trailer includes a DJ in back right? Then there is the guy I was behind a couple of months ago with the yellow trike with what looked like a couple of amps wired together and an mp3 player duct-taped to the handlebars. Good music too although the transitions between the tracks were a bit abrupt.

The biggest rig I've ever seen out there was that guy who was hauling the kayaks. They probably weren't that heavy but MAN was that a long bike trailer rig! Great thing to bring to the mass. I've only ever seen it there once (this July maybe?) It's a big ride so it's possible I just never saw it before (or after) that. That was cool, the thing was bigger (longer at least) than most cars.

You guys with the music are pretty cool. I'd like you to know that it's appreciated although I don't ride TOO close to the ones with the louder systems -my hearing is already fraked and it doesn't take much sound volume to bring pain to my ears and make my tinnitus worse for a few days. There's nothing like listening to an unresolved interval all night long.
I do!

So - a flap that wraps over the handlebar and velcroes close, with a wee pouch in the front and a wee pouch behind (by your knees), yes? How big should the pouches be? i.e., what size batteries?


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