My husband, Rob, has fractured his ankle. Just in time for the summer riding season and fun things to do.  So, given the creativity and ingenuity of many of those on Chainlink, I am curious if anyone knows how I can fashion some kind of rig to basically take him along safely on some bike rides to the lake, park or some CL events during the 4-6 weeks he will be off his feet, without resorting to driving the car.  Maybe on a flatbed trailer of some sort, or fashion some kind of hitch to a wheelchair onto the back of the bike. I have seen people hauling furniture and stuff, so I am curious as to what ideas may be out there? He won't fit in the kiddie trailer, so that option is out.  Or, if anyone has anything I could borrow or rent (cheaply) for the time he is healing up, that would be great, too.   I thought of a pedicab, but that would get expensive when all I want to do is take him on picnics and stuff around the city. 

I know it may be a odd request, but I thought I'd give it a shot. :) 


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the "big dummy" by surly has a jump seat option

How sweet of you, Melanie.  

I've got an idea.  How about:




Thanks for the suggestion, Michael. It's a nice option, but I'm not in the market for a new bike, just something I can attach to the back of what I already have. Maybe a platform that can hold a chair and fully grown person on a trailer? That way, when he is healed up, we can use it to haul groceries/stuff later on.   Trying to maintain some fun for my husband while still being within our measly budget (under $250) so this will be more of a DIY project. I know, it's a longshot finding or building something like this for cheap, but I figured I'd give it a try. 

This is similar to what I was thinking, although I might as well buy 2 Big Dummy bikes for what they want for it ($2,400):

He's too big to fit in there...darn, nice bag though. 

And the scooter bike/sail option just doesn't seem safe to me. 

Thanks for the creative input, though : )

Nick Butterfield said:

Not sure what's out there in your price range, there are extra cycle kits to convert and existing bike into a cargo bike like this:

Another option is to use a build it yourself trailer kit, so you can make the platform as long as you need and add railing so the person in it doesn't fall off.

The biggest concern with both of these is capacity, the trailer kit assembled as directed has a capacity of 150 lbs, so I would recommend adding some additional reinforcement when building it before putting a person on it. Also having someone one a tall chair, such as a wheel chair will give a very high center of gravity and make the trailer very susceptible to tipping.  I would recommend that he sit as close to the ground as possible. 

try this  

It is a little over your price range, but you will still be able to use it as a grocery hauler later on, so it will pay for itself


I might just go that route, Julie. Once a weekend or so for some outings via pedicab might be the ticket and within budget as well. Anyone know how much they charge?  

good question. I started a thread recently asking if you can order a pedicab pickup like you order a taxi pickup.

 I saw the thread earlier, but didn't see any contact info- I guess I should contact knowbody through Chainlink means.  

Julie Hochstadter said:

good question. I started a thread recently asking if you can order a pedicab pickup like you order a taxi pickup.

not sure if Harold is on the CL- but he was on the last couple of north side masses- he showed up with a large pedicab- 


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