Anyone have a Park Tool KS-1 Kickstand Remover I can borrow for like 5 min?

I have recently been on a quest to swap out the kickstand between my ’64 and ’68 Racers. The problem is that I need a special tool to make this transfer so much easier, and safer, to do. Unfortunately Park Tool discontinued the (KS-1 Kickstand Removal Tool) in 2008. Not only is it hard to find but many shops don’t think a kickstand removal tool even exists.

I went to Rapid Transit yesterday looking for rear racks and thought I would ask about the tool and if they knew of an easy way without one to remove the stand. Both mechanics told me that not only did they not know of a tool but that the only way to remove the kickstand would be to cut it out. I was in shock at the answer and left the store a bit confused. Were they f-ing with me?

Then I went to Smart Bike Parts to look at some racks and again for shits and giggles asked about the kickstand tool and again no one had any idea what I was talking about or had a solution that wasn’t destructive. Seriously? Am I crazy?

So today I called Uptown Bike Shop and low and behold they have the tool. I thought I described my situation well to the man on the phone because he told me to come on by no worries. I ride on over ghost riding the old racer all the way to the shop. I introduce myself to the guy behind the counter who I have talked to many times before. “That will be $5 to swap out the parts for ya” he says. I then asked if it would be possible at all to do it myself, they could even charge me for using the tool? “Sorry” he said. “No can do!” So I drop my head, stare at the floor and leave with my tail between my legs, defeated again. Thanks a lot insurance companies for making it impossible for people to be cool to each other anymore!

So, does anyone have a KS-1 tool I can borrow for like 5 min? I know West Town has one but I have no way to get both bikes down there so I can do the job then get both bikes home. If I have to I will make my own damn tool but that’s time I just don’t have.

BTW, I’m not trying to snub the bike shops, I am just a bit confused as to my whole experience. Although, it’s not the first time I’ve had issues with misinformation from the LBS’s. It’s one thing not to trust a car mechanic (who are on my top ten list for pure evil) but if you can’t trust a bike mechanic than we are all doomed ☹

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Looks like you could do it w/a piece of pipe and a c-clamp, but I haven't looked at a kickstand like that for about 30 yrs.
Problem is I have no way to grind out a section of pipe to make the tool. It needs to be metal not plastic due to so much force needed to push the spring in.
I could probably help you out on that if it comes to it, but obviously timing might not work for you. Let me know, I got cut off tools, grinders, etc.

Ryan L said:
Problem is I have no way to grind out a section of pipe to make the tool. It needs to be metal not plastic due to so much force needed to push the spring in.
Thanks for the offer. I was thinking I could use a plastic pipe and make sure I have good goggles on in case it shatters. I could always bring a metal pipe into West Town to cut but won't be able to do that till Sunday. Kinda funny that one small item would be so difficult to deal with.
dude did you see this yet? It's removal instructions if you don't have the Park tool. You use channel locks.

(digging your schwinn saga btw. And Sutherland's says the cone lock washer for your Racer's front hub goes on the right side.)
Why didn't you pay the $5 and get it over with? I'd say that's a reasonable cost for the labor involved.
As a regular at Uptown Bikes I know that they are honest folks who would never rip you off. (I am always amazed at their attitude and wonder why they aren't a little more businesslike) But I also know that they don't lend/rent out tools. The risk that you damage the tool is too high for them especially with 'unique' tools like the one you describe.
Duppie said:
Why didn't you pay the $5 and get it over with? I

Why not pay the $5 and have them do it? It's not because of the money, it's the principal of the thing. I have put all my sweat and blood into this bike. To admit defeat and allow someone else to do something I am fully capable of doing myself is unacceptable to me. I understand the overall reasoning for not letting me use the tool. Although I do think it is being a bit over protective and that is how the world works nowadays. Everyone treats everyone like their idiots and it's just plain sad.

I am not the kind of person who lets others do my shit for me, especially because it's easier that way. So I sat here and pondered how to make this task possible without the damn tool. So thanks to the internets and a little ingenuity, I was triumphant.

I went to Crafty Beaver on Lawrence/Ashland in search of a small piece of plastic pvc pipe I could cut but unfortunately they didn't have any that would suit my needs. I even asked the clerk and he had no clue what I could use. So I wondered up and down the isles and stumbled upon a 1/2" copper T-pipe connector that would be perfect if I was able to cut a piece out of it. So I brought it up to the counter and asked if there was anything I could cut the connector with and the shop guy handed me a saw with a carbide/steel blade on it. I got it home and placed it in the jaws of my bike stand and very carefully cut away. SUCCESS!

I have now officially swapped out the kickstands from one bike to the other without doing any damage to either and it only cost me $15. Hells yeah, take that rare f-ing bike tool that either no one has, doesn't think exists, or won't let me use. Life is good sometimes :)
BTW, thanks Homebuilt for the link :)

That is really cool. I have an old Raleigh 20 that has a kickstand that flops around. I could not figure out how to remove it to see if I could service it. Thanks for sharing a solution!
Nice improvised tool solution!

There's a whole group on there for that type of solution but it is sadly inactive...

Hodgepodgin' Bodgers
Well done, bravo! The KS-1 that WTB has is slightly broken (still works) and I've been thinking of what to do when it's done for. I'll be borrowing that idea/design in the future I'm sure.
Copper pipe! Awesome! My Schwinn continental conversion has the floppy kickstand problem. I keep it up with a strap of velcro. It is a pound or five of dead useless weight. I've been trying to remove the kickstand for a while now. I found the pipe and C-clamp technique but ran into the same No Way to Cut the Pipe problem.

Copper! Thanks a ton for posting this!
my kickstand tool is made from 1/2" electrical pipe. the side is cut out. see my picture. all you need is a hacksaw. AL


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