I'm planning to go to the National Bike Summit next week via Amtrak and I'd like to take a folding bike. I'd need it from Sunday 3/8 to Friday 3/13. I would be extremely grateful and of course am willing to "work out something" with you. 

You can message me here or at adam@pedaltothepeople.com or call our shop: 773-355-0882.

Seriously, HUGE GRATITUDE!!!!!

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Thanks for the reply J.W.! I'm working on it, may simply purchase a basic one from one of our vendors. 

I live in the DC area and I have 2 folders: A Giant Halfway and a Dahon 5-speed. I would be happy to loan you one. PM me and we'll work out the deets.

I'll see you there dude. 

You can borrow the firm folder if you want, but it kinda looks like you have arrangements in DC.  Let me know if you want to borrow mine.

Thanks Bro! I think I got it covered, but good lookin' out! What kinda folder does your office use?

Origin 8.  It was cheap, but it has full fenders and a rack.  Single speed with a coaster brake.  About as simple as a folder gets, but very practical.  I use it when I cover depositions in the suburbs and such.


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