So I admit I was rushing to meet one of Chainlink's new interns.... and ran the light at Newport and Clark.  Flashing lights on, cop points to me to pull over and writes me a ticket.   He said they get calls every day for car accidents caused by bikes running red lights in front of cars. 

No idea how much its for, he just told me my court date is early October and if I have questions to call 311 and give them my violation is V11-B.8c.

Here is my proof, with a wonderful "It's ok" figurine that someone from The Coop Coworking Space gave me.

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@Marcus Moore  Yes, it's a trunk rack.

@Anne Alt  Thanks.  I didn't have to actually show the data from my Garmin, but the mere fact that a driver would accuse a cyclist of speeding while heading down a Boulevard is crazy to me.  

I have run lights in front of cops in uptown, but I never got a ticket.  I do it carefully, so they see me check before I run it.  Maybe the cops downtown are more prone to give tickets.

I believe Julie's ticket was in Lakeview. Personally, I find it best to just follow right behind the police as they drive through the red light.


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