Anyone ever break/bruise their tailbone and still ride their bike? Advice?

About a week and a half ago, I fell directly on my tailbone. It looked pretty bruised up and the pain is pretty bad after doing any activity- cycling and even walking. Silly me, I tried to ride my bike the day after, and it seemed that it was okay, just a little pain as long as I didn't come to a stop-when I found that pedaling from a dead stop shot excruciating pain up and down my rear end and back. Also, any type of hill or incline also produced the same painful result, no matter what gear I was in.  Needless to say, I haven't been on my bike all that much since then.

I am probably going to see my doctor this week, although if my tailbone is broken, I have read there isn't much to cure it or make it heal any faster, except that a doc could give me pain meds or maybe some corticosteroid shots. This really sucks as I have not been able to commute to work via bicycle unless I want to punish myself and standing/sitting on public transit is almost as uncomfortable as cycling- luckily, my wonderful husband has been driving me to work, which is wasting gas money, but keeps me from hurting.

Anyone have any experience with this? Any suggestions for how long I may need to sit out cycling or maybe a way I can fashion a donut cushion bike seat LOL. I would appreciate any advice. I am sure the doctor is going to tell me to rest, although I have been resting it for almost 2 weeks, and it doesn't seem to feel much better. 

I'm not asking for a medical opinion, just if anyone has experienced this and what has been tried out that worked or not worked. 


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I'm so sorry to hear about your fall! I have fallen on my tailbone numerous times, mostly as a kid but once as an adult. It was presumed broken, but my understanding is that it is really a moot point whether it's broken or not as there's nothing much you can do about it except rest it. I imagine that sitting on a bicycle seat would be about the worst. The only thing that has ever helped me is to rest and be very careful when sitting or getting up from sitting. Donut cushions did not seem to make much difference. I also remember it taking longer than two weeks to feel better, but it might be a good idea to see your doctor, given that things are sometimes harder to recover from as an adult. Hope you're feeling better soon!

Thanks Nancois- that's kind of what I was afraid of. Ugh. What a pain in the @ss :) 

Chris, I doubt my husband would approve of your suggestion, most likely he would want to break your coccyx! LOL

BTW, thanks for the get-well wishes from both of you. 

Call Dr. Tom (tmacz) at his chiro office (773) 271-3900.    He is nothing short of a healer for cyclists. Don't be scared off that he is a chiro since some get a bad rep.  Learn more about him here.


I also recommend Laura Cooper, (coops) who I met here as well when I read her blog post in 2008.  She's an awesome cycling physical therapist. Her email is lacoopy  at  

Thanks for the advice, Howard and for the recommendations, Julie.  I was hoping it was just a bad bruising and I could get over it by icing, ibuprofen, and resting, but after not getting better after closing in on 2 weeks, I figured there must be more to it. I'm making the appointment with the doctor and checking into the people Julie recommended, too.  Wish me luck!

Good luck lady.  Feel better soon.

Melanie K said:

Thanks for the advice, Howard and for the recommendations, Julie.  I was hoping it was just a bad bruising and I could get over it by icing, ibuprofen, and resting, but after not getting better after closing in on 2 weeks, I figured there must be more to it. I'm making the appointment with the doctor and checking into the people Julie recommended, too.  Wish me luck!

Ouch ouch ouch!

I second the recommendation of a good chiro.  They get a bad rap but this is one of the instances where they have the fast-track to the solution.    Get the swelling down and take the pressure off any pinched nerves.

My body swells up at the drop of a hat.  About the only thing I can do to drive out swelling in an extremity after an injury is to  alternate between very hot water soaking and ice-bath soaking in two separate basins every couple of minutes.   Repeat multiple times a day until the swelling goes down.  I don't think this is an option for a tailbone -or I wouldn't want to need to try it out.   The remedy might be worse than the problem.

I'd see a chiro witch-doctor right away.  If there is one thing they are good at fixing it is pinched nerves and joints that are out of whack.  The sooner it is attended to the sooner it can begin healing rather than just getting worse.  

Hope you get better soon.  


I was in the same boat this winter (, and hope a doctor's visit doesn't reveal anything too serious.  I took a long month off of riding and took it as easy as possible while trying to heal.  A lot of warm baths and sitting down as gently as possible and eventually I felt good enough to saddle up again.  And just in time b/c the train was driving me insane.

If it's not anything too serious some time off will make recovery a little faster.  Feel better!

Wow...such wonderful words Julie...ty; I agree with alot that has been stated...however...NSAIDS accelerate the degenerative process of cartilage, and reduce local inflammation which causes excessive grinding in the injured area. So, I recommend avoiding them,  for inflammation I recommend (traumeel cream) :Yes with the above; i.e contrast baths/ice/rest...add in, localized soft tissue draining (I can teach your husband), edema reduction (with physiotherapy), tissue healing (arnica gel),...Secondary issues which can prevent a quick return to the wheeled horse would be things like...did you rotate the sacrum?  Did the coccyx become displaced?       Needed Hx: Are you having coccygodynia from verve impingment when bearing down/sneezing?  Differential DX: Displaced Coccyx / Fracture  ...   x-rays can assist with differential (but not required)...hope it helps, get well soon!  Dr Tom

Thanks for the well wishes, everyone. I thought I might have seen a post about something similar, thanks for linking it  Jeremy. I am still hoping it is just a huge bruise that is just really stubborn **crosses fingers** 

Definitely will check out a chiro-proctor, too! :) 

Sounds like I won't be racing at Monsters of the Midway crit in two weeks.  I probably would place about the same whether injured or not, but it makes me sad nonetheless as I was just starting to get into that stuff. 

I'll go with you to watch the race...

Melanie K said:

Thanks for the well wishes, everyone. I thought I might have seen a post about something similar, thanks for linking it  Jeremy. I am still hoping it is just a huge bruise that is just really stubborn **crosses fingers** 

Definitely will check out a chiro-proctor, too! :) 

Sounds like I won't be racing at Monsters of the Midway crit in two weeks.  I probably would place about the same whether injured or not, but it makes me sad nonetheless as I was just starting to get into that stuff. 

Wow, that was quick, Dr. Tom!  I have yet to see my doctor.  I may give you a call once I get some sort of confirmation of whether it is broken or bruised. And yes, sneezing, coughing and sometimes laughing causes pain.  My husband is a massage therapist, but he won't do his magic unless he first knows if it is fractured or not.  

Thanks for the suggestions- I will be in touch :) 

tmacz said:

Wow...such wonderful words Julie...ty; I agree with alot that has been stated...however...NSAIDS accelerate the degenerative process of cartilage, and reduce local inflammation which causes excessive grinding in the injured area. So, I recommend avoiding them,  for inflammation I recommend (traumeel cream) :Yes with the above; i.e contrast baths/ice/rest...add in, localized soft tissue draining (I can teach your husband), edema reduction (with physiotherapy), tissue healing (arnica gel),...Secondary issues which can prevent a quick return to the wheeled horse would be things like...did you rotate the sacrum?  Did the coccyx become displaced?       Needed Hx: Are you having coccygodynia from verve impingment when bearing down/sneezing?  Differential DX: Displaced Coccyx / Fracture  ...   x-rays can assist with differential (but not required)...hope it helps, get well soon!  Dr Tom

I blasted my tailbone pretty good last summer (Hit by a car, side mirror slammed me right in that spot). It took about 2-3 weeks to be able to move somewhat normally and about 3 months to be at 100%. I was riding after about a month or so. Sorry to hear that, my tailbone f-up was one of the worst injuries I've had in a long time. 


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