Are the Marauders and other like minded cyclists meeting up before the Mcdonalds Midnight L.A.T.E Ride somewhere? Anyone planning on crashing the ride in large numbers?

I don't see anyone discussing this happening online or in person. And for some reason I ain't on the MM list serve, I should probably get on that.


Two years ago the L.A.T.E Ride audit was super bad ass fun. It was certainly one of the more memorable midnight rides in recent memory.


If you're joining us, please, RSVP and invite your friends on Facebook [ ] or the Chainlink [ ]!


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Spencer, here is the 2012 LATE Ride route:

The ride starts at 1:00 am. There will be 6 waves of riders - Purple (VIP), Blue, Green, Red, Orange, and Yellow, at about 8-minute intervals.

Since it is only 4.4 miles to Nine Muses Food and Liquor, you won't have to wait long. I'll be in the Blue wave, looking for the 'audit' group. By the way, Illinois Bone and Joint Institute, LLC is the main sponsor this year, along with the usual suspects. No Mickey D's, however.

I hope you and the 'audit group' have a great time.

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:

Hey Kevin, do you have the map right now? I was under the impression they give it to you at the time of sign in. Could you take a photo of it and upload it for us?

bone and joint...much more apropos


Wish I could take back the yuppies don't publish their route comment now! Thanks DON!


O - you are making a lot of assumption here. This thread was not started to insult others, but to get our friends togeather. ... Which is what chainlink is for. This thread obviously was not aimed towards you.

ha, i remember that.

its like saying "water, who needs water in the desert? there are no plants there to need water"

h' said:

Is nobody going to mention that Friends of the Parks's ED came out publicly against building a Veldrome in Douglas park as part of Olympic preparations, stating (verbatim) “A velodrome in Douglas Park? I mean, who is going to use it? No one uses a velodrome in the city of Chicago.”

i have major scheduling conflicts for the audit, and most likely working, but if i am working, i could join yall post 2 or 3am, i just need location updates. i think the ride will be in my general area at that time, anyway.

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:

And more importantly we would be able to discuss the logistics of the ride and not some bullshit about the value of the L.A.T.E. Ride. So... Let's talk Logistics. Anyone have a problem with the bar location, the time or anything else relating to making this happen?

h' said:

Without Eric's contributions to this thread it would be on page 2 by now.

We that ride in Chicago (and burbs for that matter) on a regular basis have a much higher level of respect and boosterism than any single mass ride 3x a year participant could ever have as we are the ones that take to the streets most days sun, rain, sleet or snow to enjoy what this amazing city has to offer as well as are regularly visible so cars don't forget we are here 24/7. You're alarmist stories stoke the fears and reenforce all the negative stereotypes of the city with your post, I would say that is pretty un-booster like behaviour. To add to that your negative view and the sky is falling is counterproductive and surprises me, after all the tireless work that groups like ATA, the Chainlink, and loose collectives like MM have done your proclamation that it is all for not is unsound. Urban centers across the world are waking up and building up their bike friendly ways as populations leave the suburbs to take advantage of a greener way of life that a dense setting offers.

To each his own I suppose but you may be better served attacking another group as the Chainlink is a great collective of people from all walks of life with one thing in common... bicycles. 

I'll be counting bikes again at Wells and Chicago this afternoon for ATA, ride on by... especially the ladies you are missed in the count and on the road.

Have fun Sat, both MM and L.A.T.E. alike, the more the merrier.

Oh and me... Um yeah, hardly a Hipster.

Spencer, I hope you didn't mean that in the pejorative sense.

Actually, when I lived in the city, the label didn't fit, nor does it fit now.

Best wishes for the 'audit group'.

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:

Wish I could take back the yuppies don't publish their route comment now! Thanks DON!

"I hope you didn't mean that in the pejorative sense."

Nah it's all tongue and cheek. Including my retraction. This is just a fun ride. People seem to be taking it too seriously.

Don, where abouts are ya now?

O, where are you located?


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