Are the Marauders and other like minded cyclists meeting up before the Mcdonalds Midnight L.A.T.E Ride somewhere? Anyone planning on crashing the ride in large numbers?

I don't see anyone discussing this happening online or in person. And for some reason I ain't on the MM list serve, I should probably get on that.


Two years ago the L.A.T.E Ride audit was super bad ass fun. It was certainly one of the more memorable midnight rides in recent memory.


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Doom! Are you back????

Dr. Doom said:

O, can you explain this Murder Capital of the Midwest talking point? The FBI reports that there were 430 murders in Chicago last year, 344 in Detroit and 113 in St. Louis. If Chicago were as kill-happy as Detroit there would have been over 1,300 murders here last year. Chicago has lots of murders because it's really, really big, not because it's particularly unsafe (especially if you don't live in a dangerous neighborhood.
Yes! Ann Arbor was fun but I'm so glad to be back in Chicago (even though I'll probably be murdered).

Welcome back and keep your head down.


Dr. Doom said:

Yes! Ann Arbor was fun but I'm so glad to be back in Chicago (even though I'll probably be murdered).

That's all totally overblown. I haven't been murdered in weeks.

How long have you been gone? You gonna join us Saturday night?

Well, you do live on the south side so being murdered (probably after being robbed of all your possessions) is a given.

Dr. Doom said:

Yes! Ann Arbor was fun but I'm so glad to be back in Chicago (even though I'll probably be murdered).
If I manage to survive until Saturday I'll probably be out.

This article which is covering the current years data might shed some light:

Dr. Doom said:

O, can you explain this Murder Capital of the Midwest talking point? The FBI reports that there were 430 murders in Chicago last year, 344 in Detroit and 113 in St. Louis. If Chicago were as kill-happy as Detroit there would have been over 1,300 murders here last year. Chicago has lots of murders because it's really, really big, not because it's particularly unsafe (especially if you don't live in a dangerous neighborhood.
Put O on ignore, he is doing more to scare his 3 blog followers and use stats to perpetuate negative stereotypes in order justify what, I do not know. It certainly is not to create a welcome cycling environment. Please go away sir and leave our nice forum and to my fellow Chainlinkers don't feed the troll.
I really wanted to read this thread, but 'O' ruined it for me. Maybe he'll fall off the steps at the lakefront path, or loose a pedal like the girl and guy at the first mlr that was in no way supported or for people who have ridden in the dark. Bye bye.

Wow, you can not be serious.  I think Tim is right and you're just trolling now.  Your first hint that the article is bogus is that there isn't any byline so no one seems to be willing to take responsibility for the contents of the article.  First, comparing the number of homicides in chicago to the number of soldiers killed in Kabul has no meaning.  Last I checked there isn't any active insurgency in Chicago trying to kill foreign military forces so the situations aren't remotely comparable.  The article doesn't even bother to look at civilian deaths in Kabul or look at populations in Kabul or Chicago to determine per capita rates.  Second, talking about how 100-200 police officers were used to secure a wedding doesn't mean much when one of the attendees is the president of the US and his family.  He could be in a relatively isolated and secure facility like Camp David and his security detail would still be 100-200 or more.

O said:

This article which is covering the current years data might shed some light:

Dr. Doom said:

O, can you explain this Murder Capital of the Midwest talking point? The FBI reports that there were 430 murders in Chicago last year, 344 in Detroit and 113 in St. Louis. If Chicago were as kill-happy as Detroit there would have been over 1,300 murders here last year. Chicago has lots of murders because it's really, really big, not because it's particularly unsafe (especially if you don't live in a dangerous neighborhood.

Sigh. Let's break down the stats offered by that fine piece of Huff Po journalism...

144 of the 63,500 US soldiers stationed in Afghanistan were killed so far this year (2.267 deaths per 1000).

228 of the 2.7 million Chicago residents were killed so far this year (0.084 deaths per 1000).

Thus, US troops in Afghanistan are killed at a rate over 26.8 times greater than that at which Chicagoans are killed.

I call shitty, inflammatory journalism.


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