We're doing the ride on tandem and we're getting ready for it. Seems like a lot of fun from the website and you tube videos plus its New belgium. They know how to party..

Just wondering if anyone has any idea how many people will be participating



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That sucks. Hope he's ok now.

Just saw the results. That's us in 47th place representing Little village. Not bad out of 87 coed teams that finished

dogfish said:
I have to say it was an amazing ride, except for my team mate getting struck by a car in the last like 5 blocks of the race, we were doing pretty well too, so after the filed police report, that added like 45min to the overall time but we finished minus a bike...i have to say the keen shoe check point sucked the most partially due to the long line although I'm glad we got there some what sooner, and I found out I'm uncoordinated haha

On that note, atleast everyone had a chance to win some swag at the end, ended up with a timbuk2 bag and some clif bars and book :) and free beer is always good
Yeah, hes okay, bikes not though :( looks as though we took 50th heh, and the team we were riding with pretty much the entire race up to the last check point took 12th, damn, oh well it was a good time, look forward to next year
Does anyone know how much money was raised for West Town Bikes?
This is a bit random, but did anybody lose a size 46 black pearl izumi mountain bike shoe at Saturday's Urban Assault Ride? I arrived home after the ride and realized I had two different sized shoes (one 44 and one 46). My only explanation (since I know I started the day with two size 44's) was that I must have grabbed somebody else's shoe during the three legged obstacle where we walked with boots and carried tennis balls.

Yes, I realize it is completely random how somebody with the same type and color of shoes, who took off the exact same shoe (right) was also right next to me during the obstacle, but it happened and I somehow grabbed the wrong shoe. If you know who else grabbed the wrong shoe and went home with a size 44, please get in touch so we can swap!!!
Don't know if you were at the after party but they kept announcing this waiting for the other person to come forward

John Hebda said:
This is a bit random, but did anybody lose a size 46 black pearl izumi mountain bike shoe at Saturday's Urban Assault Ride? I arrived home after the ride and realized I had two different sized shoes (one 44 and one 46). My only explanation (since I know I started the day with two size 44's) was that I must have grabbed somebody else's shoe during the three legged obstacle where we walked with boots and carried tennis balls.

Yes, I realize it is completely random how somebody with the same type and color of shoes, who took off the exact same shoe (right) was also right next to me during the obstacle, but it happened and I somehow grabbed the wrong shoe. If you know who else grabbed the wrong shoe and went home with a size 44, please get in touch so we can swap!!!
Yep, I contacted the race organizers when I arrived home (had to take off a bit early), which was why they were announcing it (I was the guy who asked them to announce it). I'm still searching for the other guy... (or girl)

I just figured I'd post on here for the off-chance that maybe somebody knew the other guy who lost or swapped a shoe...


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