I'm sorely tempted by these in-funding-stages crowd-sourced jeans:


After shipping and converting for CAD to USD, the "boutique" package comes to about $900 for 12 pairs of pants, aka $75 each aka much cheaper than the other options.  Are there any two (or even three) other women who would be interested in splitting an order with me?   My mother has a registered business number we can use (which is required for the boutique order)

Hopefully people say yes because I want these pants so much.  But I don't think I've ever paid more than $50 for a pair of jeans, and even that was a lot for me.

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i'm definitely interested!

Yes. I am interested. Complicated by the fact that I don't live in Chicago  but I can send a check to you upfront and pick up the pants on one of my frequent trips. Count me in.

Count me in ya'll. Been looking for something like this for years.

I can't say I am down for 2 pairs but would totally go for 1 pair. They will make them in Longs!!! Wooooohooo! I am long legged so this is a must.

Pretty sure I'm going to have to bow out.  Realized their regular pants are about 6 inches too long for me!

Sorry folks!

I'm good for one pair.

I could get down with this. Would need to look at little more closely at sizing info to make sure us of normal waist and ample booty are covered.

I'm interested, too. Been waiting for Levi's to come up with women's jean in their riding series. No signs yet.

So I took some measurements and according to their chart my waist is a size 4, hips size 6, and thigh size 8. what the what? I'm not so sure I'll be able to swing this...I wish I could live in my Levi's bold curve jeans forever!

Please count me in for one pair! So excited someone is making these!
Will check out sizing now. 

I am interested in 1 pair! :)

More people were interested than I thought!  Final sizes don't need to be figured out until Feb or so, when the actual specifics of the order get placed.

There's going to be 12 pair total.  Because of the inherent risks involved with coordinating something like this, are ya'll happy with this pricing break down, since this is now more complicated than "divide it all by 3"?  I'll have to deal with finding times for people to come pick them up, or figure out when to go out and deliver them, etc.  1 pair on Indy Gogo is $130 + shipping, and the retail price will be $150 + shipping.  Hopefully this is a good compromise between fair pricing, and my hassle/risk?  Really hoping nobody backs out of three pairs haha.

1 Pair: $90 each

2 Pair: $85 each

3 Pair: $80 each

And so far we have:

Me: 3 pair

Michelle Loomis: 3 pair? 

Susan W: Uncertain, depends upon sizing

Liz W. Durham: 1 pair

Jess dba Anhalt: 1 pair

Megan H: Uncertain

Trachea: Interested

Sarah D: 1 pair

Samantha Aquino: 1 pair

Soooo... I think the 12 pairs will be workable, and I won't be stuck with a ton extra?

I'm going to go ahead and put some money into funding, and we can figure out final order totals/sizing.  Looks like they hit their funding goal, woo!


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