Any other Polar Bears out there? (Jump in the lake. On New Year's Morning.)

Anyone interested in starting the New Year with Brrrrr?

Jump in the lake. On New Year's Day. It like the Naked Swim, but colder.

It's good for you. And if it doesn't kill you, it's really good for your heart (according to my Finnish students). And it vanquishes hangovers. Seriously. Hangovers are really afraid of the cold.

When I was growing up in Cleveland it was at dawn in a hole cut through the ice in the harbor next to the 9th St. Pier.

In Chicago it's North Avenue Beach, and requires running across about a hundred feet of icy sand.

A quick googling shows groups at 8:45, 9:00, 9:30 and around noon.

I will be driving there for the nine o'clock dip, and will bring extra towels. If you bike to this, and live to tell about it, you are truly hard core.

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That was hell of an experience!! I did the nooner. I too was looking for a bumrush but it was fun to see people go in individually also. The sensation of ice forming on your skin when you get out is strange. And my toes are still tingling 2 hours later. I got some phone pics I can post up later
Sorry I missed it! ;-( I pussied out when i saw the air temp when i woke up at 10. Can't wait to see the pics Iggi! ;-)


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