Any idea when/where this vintage bike race photo was taken?

Anyone know or have a guess when/where this picture was taken? I found the poster in a computer surplus closet at UIC and it now adorns my living room. Only clue is that someone wrote "80" on the back. It's pretty epic! 

stupid computer glare going on in this one: 

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Sears Tower is there, hiding in plain sight in the middle of the photo. You can tell it by its very wide structural bays.

mindfrieze said:

I wouldn't know the year, but that you found it at UIC, I think, is a big clue to it's location.  This looks very much like the corner of Taylor and Halsted, looking northeast.  The skyline has changed a little, but the parking garage is a ringer.

and that really looks like the 1st National Bank building, now known as Chase Tower. 

Somebody triangulate the coordinates to that intersection. ror

I just realized the Taylor/Halsted comment.  Your Kung Fu is good, sir.

Okay. Now i have a good enough monitor to make out "chicago" on the barracades... duh. 1980-81 might be right, but it feels older in the pic. By '75 i was wearing a hardshell -a Kunoh hockey helmet-then  bought a Bell Biker around '78. Seem to remember that USCF banned hairnets in '80- maybe earlier. i was a USCF ref in the early 80's, but i don't remember when the hardshell rule came in. Anyone?

 Agreed on the Palazzo brother? Marcello, i think. Think he was a Senior 2 by '78 or so...


Gawd... tube socks, buh!

Really appreciate all the info on this! I need to get out more...this location turns out to be < 1 mile from where I found the picture. 

The trees and shrubs have matured a bit since this picture but still there...along with the older buildings of the skyline. =)

Anne B. said:

Really appreciate all the info on this! I need to get out more...this location turns out to be < 1 mile from where I found the picture. 


(uploaded your attachment)

Jin Nam said:

The trees and shrubs have matured a bit since this picture but still there...along with the older buildings of the skyline. =)

Anne B. said:

Really appreciate all the info on this! I need to get out more...this location turns out to be < 1 mile from where I found the picture. 

That must be one hell of a long lens in the original photo.  The depth of field is so tight.

Anne, a great post. I remember this spot from that time frame. Changed a bit, but still the same. Thanks for this post.

Thanks Ken, it was cool turning it over to the collective sleuthing of the bike geek internets to fill in the backstory on it! :)  I'll keep googling some of the names/race titles people mentioned to see if I can figure some more stuff out. 

Ken Gray said:

Anne, a great post. I remember this spot from that time frame. Changed a bit, but still the same. Thanks for this post.


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