Hey Chainlinkers, we had a gap and this didn't get posted to Chainlink last week...sorry about that.

Our MB Financial Bank Bike the Drive T-shirt Contest is going on, there's still some time to submit designs.

Thanks much,

Ethan Spotts, Active Trans



Ever imagined seeing 20,000 people wearing something you designed? Create the successful T-shirt design for this year’s MB Financial Bank Bike the Drive and your dream will come true.

This year, Active Trans is launching a contest to design the T-shirt that will be worn by participants, staff and volunteers at the event and afterwards.
We’re looking for original illustrations that celebrate this special day of biking bliss.
Up to five finalists will each receive two free registrations for MB Financial Bank Bike the Drive, and the final winner will have his or T-shirt design worn by some 20,000 participants at the event.
T-shirt design submissions are due February 20.
Submissions should be inspired by the joy and exhilaration that comes with riding your bike on Lake Shore Drive, Chicago’s most famous roadway (if you haven’t been to the event, you’re still invited to participate).
Organizers will pick three to five of the best entries, and let people vote on the winner online. Entries must include original illustrations, with a full color event logo.
Download the event logo (PDF; right click and then choose "save as")
Click on the image below to download the Adobe Illustrator file to use for the contest. 

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The fine print in the FAQ looks to me like the winner gives all rights to the winning image to Active Trans and therefore would not even have the right to display the work in her portfolio. Am I misreading that? 

Hi Tony, thanks for asking this tricky question. Though I see where the technical wording mike come off like that, we at Active Trans have no interest in controlling the rights to anyone's artwork to such a  degree. For context: We need to be able to use the design at our discretion for our event marketing, without having to ask permission each time. These rules are intended to give Active Trans more freedom in using the design as needed, with as much involvement from its creator as possible. As is our standard around here, things will be handled respectfully and collaboratively. As a creative professional, I operate under the golden rule when working with other creatives: I wouldn't ask any artists for anything that I wouldn't ask of myself. If you'd like to follow up with any further questions, please email me at phalupka@activetrans.org! 

--Paul H., Graphic Designer at Active Trans

Tony Adams 6.6 mi said:

The fine print in the FAQ looks to me like the winner gives all rights to the winning image to Active Trans and therefore would not even have the right to display the work in her portfolio. Am I misreading that? 


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