Looking for a new saddle for my long-distance bike. I've finally given up on the Sella Anatomica that I've had for a number of years. The cut away section seemed like a good idea, but it just rubs my perineum the wrong way.

Looking at a Brooks Cambium C17 or C15. Any riders out there that use it for long distance riding (rides from 20-60 miles, and occasionally much longer)

Do you like it? Is it comfortable for long distance riding?

How does it hold up over time?

Is the top fabric smooth, or does it cause friction between the saddle and spandex/knickers?

Thanks for any feedback

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I have C17s on three of my bikes, and I love them.

Not sure what your definition of long distance riding is, but my weekend rides are anywhere from 20 to 80 miles and they have been the most comfortable saddle I have used. The fabric is textured, but I have not ever noticed (felt) friction while riding.

As for longevity, well that is a mixed bag. The saddle on my daily commuter is over a year old and seems to be holding up quite well - the fabric isn't fraying and the black dye isn't discoloring from riding in all conditions.

The saddle on my weekend bike is several years old (I bought it right when they came out) and shows some wear, but nothing that I couldn't attribute to being an early production model and improper positioning - the fabric is subtly frayed at the right rear of the saddle and there is some discoloration of the grey dye in the form of dark and light areas across the saddle. This saddle has seen some weather but the bike is not in practice an all-weather bike.

If you want to take a look at the saddles and try sitting on one let me know. 

I have Cambiums on both of my bikes and love them. I ride a Bullitt and a Cyclocross bike regularly and do anywhere from 100-150 miles a week and sometimes many more. I leave the Bullitt outside and the saddle is certainly beat up, but still in really great shape and very comfortable. I've done many rides of varying distances with weight on my back and find the Cambium to offer the least pressure of any saddle I've ridden.

I have a C17 on my now junk commuter (crashed on Feb 28, destroying the frame and breaking my right femur). I liked it fine, though I never rode it more than 15-16 miles at a time (Evanston to the Loop). Personally, I like my Brooks Pros better, certainly for longer distances, though I don't really have any long ride experience with the C17.

Really sorry to hear about that.  I hope you're recovered or well on the road.   

Skip, Sorry to hear about your crash. Hope you're healing well

The Brooks Pro is a little more racy than the Cambium C17 or the Brooks B17, is it not?

I'm not sure it's more racy than the C17. It's probably a bit heavier. The C17 is (I think) supposed to have a profile similar to the B17. As such, it's probably the closest to the Pro.

My rehab is coming along. I'm on my CycleOps trainer daily, PT a couple times a week, hobbling around on one crutch or none (in the house).

I like mine, it has been great but saddles are pretty personal.

They do have a reputation for cracking and I had a bolt fall out of mine.


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