Any Berwyn chainlinkers? Opportunity for public input for improved biking

Hope some folks from Berwyn can make this...please spread the word if you know someone who lives, bikes and walks in Berwyn.



Ethan Spotts, Marketing & Communications Director, Active Trans


Hey Berwyn! Come share your thoughts on how to make your community more walkable and bikeable. We want to know what will help you walk or bike to your local parks, schools, shopping centers and workplaces.


Let’s work to make Berwyn a leading community in healthy and active lifestyles!


Active Transportation Plan Public Meeting
Saturday, April 9, 11 a.m.– 1 p.m.
MacNeal Hospital
North Building, 1st floor, Staff Room
3249 Oak Park Ave., Berwyn, IL


We want to hear from you!
• What are your desired areas for walking or biking?
• Where would you like to see improvements?
• What would make walking and biking easier in Berwyn?


Light refreshments will be served.


Can’t make it to the meeting? Take our online survey or contact Ruth Myers at or 312.427.3325 x242

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