My teen son's bike was stolen from the rack at NSCP at Kedzie and Bryn Mawr.   He went home early from school yesterday due to illness and didn't take the bike.  It was locked to the rack with a Kryptonite lock but of course that's not much security.   Bringing the bike home would have been.

Bike is fairly unique looking so I have a faint hope someone will spot it.  Unfortunately I don't have a photo to upload.

It's a 70s Motobecane (headbadge still on) brushpainted BROWN with the original red showing through the scratches.   Bullhorns with inverse brake levers in the ends, no bar tape but blue masking tape is holding the (red) brake cables down.

Semi-deep-V rims over high flange Nashbar hubs (flipflop rear), very unusual BROWN Schwalbe Delta Cruiser tires (fat) with wide reflective sidewalls.

There is a security camera and they are looking at the tapes for what that's worth.  I have already put up a listing on the CSBD.  I may look at the notorious flea market for it, schedule allowing.   The bike is not worth much but son is pretty disappointed esp as it's the second bike he's had stolen this year.

Any information gratefully received.   Please, comments about how bad an idea it was for him to have left the bike there would not be helpful.

Thanks for reading.

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Lesson learned:  though it was properly locked, he shouldn't have left the bike at the school overnight.  And while I (or Mom) would have been the ones to fetch it in the van, it was up to him to tell us it shouldn't stay there.  

His previous bike was stolen in the spring from a friend's garage; there was a party at the house (parents absent) and it got out of control.  Son and a few others left and went to Margie's; when he came back he found someone had made off with the bike.  In that case he hadn't locked it as it was in the garage, people were home, he figured it was safe.

So that's a couple of lessons learned (and bikes lost) in six months, hopefully that's enough for a good long while.

Terrific his ol' man can turn a wrench or three.  The independence bubble is re-expanded now that he's back in the saddle.   

Albany Park Al said:

a teen without a bike is like a...something that needs something very much...

Glad to hear he has another bike but I still hope Northside College Prep will do something to protect the bike area during school hours. Maybe moving the rack closer to the front and making kids aware to lock there bikes properly. Recently one bike was locked by strapping his helmet through it,,,it was saved when a security guard saw it and brought it inside. So point is awareness since your son's was not the first.

North Side College Prep again:

My son reports another stolen yesterday and he thinks his friend's bike was stolen today.   They have security cameras on the area where the bike racks are but if no one takes the time to look over the footage it's not much use.   Son never got a look over the footage from his own theft, the officer was willing but it would have taken hours, he had to leave, and just never got back to it.

In any case, someone there needs to make more of an effort to prevent these thefts.


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