Just found out there is a cupcake ride saturday, I remember last year I found out about the cupcake ride the very last week. This looks like it's organized by someone else.

Anyway last year was fun, maybe I can go this year. It looks a bit more female oriented though. I have no ruffles or pastels:



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Hmm just realized in the morning I''ll be at Soldier Field at the Greater Chicago food depository hunger walk, then maybe eating cupcakes later in the day. Somehow that seems kind of ironically funny.

(I work at Feeding America so end up doing all these fundraising activities. )

Thanks for posting a link to the photos Serge!
i think the cupcake ride might have been the best idea ever.  thanks for the great pics!
It was as fun as it looked. 

Looks like it WAS fun.  


I'm not very frilly and don't even own a dress -much less a frilly one.  CCM sort of kicked my butt Friday night so I was sleeping in for the most part on Saturday.  I should start shopping for a frilly dress so I'll be ready for the next cupcake ride. 


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