An Invention on Kickstarter: A lighter and safer way of riding your bike - The new Flexi-Carbon fenders

A lighter and safer way of riding your bike: The new Flexi-Carbon fenders

Over 3 years of experimentation to develop the lightest fenders in the world

The bike enthusiast and owner of a small bike shop, Gavril Kenzel, has long been experimenting to make a dream of many bikers and himself come true: Fenders 3.0 - flexible and safe, made from real carbon. The large advantages of these high-tech fenders are their extremely low weight and the unbelievable flexibility that makes them unbreakable. This avoids splintering in the case of an accident and keeps bikers save and clean. Experts from academia as well as the carbon industry have been puzzled by this invention since they have never seen such a flexible application of carbon.

With the support of the University of Augsburg (Germany) and some students, Gavril has now started a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to further automate and scale up production and bring the fenders to the world. At the moment he is still producing them manually with many hours of work for only producing a small number of fenders. If you want to support him by making his dream come true and get a pair of high-tech fenders, you can check out the video on his Kickstarter campaign at:

Thank you for your support,

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