Well - I was on my evening commute home from Skokie and I was coasting through the intersection at Ridge and Main when some drunk guy started yelling at me at the top of his lungs and saying "Hey! Is that you on a bike? F**k you on a bike!!!" and said it again....

I love Evanston. Heck, I love Chicago. I'm busting a gut laughing right now....

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lotta crazies live at that residential hotel a block east of Ridge. They hang out at the park.

urban flava!
It was a completely random 'F you!'? You weren't running a light or stop sign at Main/Ridge or anything?
Yeahh.... I ran the red but the guy was totally stopped (riding shotgun). Nobody coming in the opposite direction. There was no real risk and the guy was totally plastered.....speaking of which -

I think it's time for a beer.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
It was a completely random 'F you!'? You weren't running a light or stop sign at Main/Ridge or anything?
Sounds like the joy of youth in Cleveland where I was frequently cornered in the same manner by the neighborhood punks. These guys were obviously too messed up to really care that much.

Clark said:
Glad you took the confrontation with humor. But I've had similar confrontations turn nasty. Coming south on Elston near Irving (in painted bike lane) I was waiting in curb lane at 3-way intersection for light to turn green. Two guys behind me, coming home from work after a few beers, started honking...I guess they wanted to turn right on red. But I had no where to go, so I stayed put.

When the light changed and I crossed the intersection, they followed, then passed me and screeched to a stop in front of me. Both jumped out and one grabbed my $3000 custom bike, raised it over his head, and threw it with great force onto the pavement. Fortunately after that and some words of "advice" to me about how I should be on the sidewalk, they took off. My bike and I were both ok.

As we bike alone around the City, we're surrounded by millions of people in cars, most of whom are pissed by our very presence on the road in front of them. We're an obstruction; an obstacle. I think we need to ride aggressively in traffic and assert our right to the road...but with a measure of humility and respect. After all, those drivers can have us for lunch any time they wish.
good points.
I also do this : sanp a quick photo of their license plate and then dial 911 - and tell them the
cops are on the way. (even if you fake dial)


Video_Drome said:
All i know is, if someone gets out of their car, it's U Lock time.

a cabbie tried to tell me to ride on the sidewalk, so i started tellin' him "get outta the car and we'll settle this sidewalk thing right now" and as soon as he tried to open his door, I kicked it shut and put a nasty ass dent in it.

Fuck these people who can't seem to drive in a lane with a bike next to them.


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