Couldn't find anything in the forums on who makes Amtrak policy, just a lot of other stuff on their policies.. Who makes the policy? Is there a bike czar or something, one guy, or is it a group effort and push on behalf of bike advocacy groups like Active Trans?

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You should try to get in touch with this guy:
I have a . . . feeling he might have pretty good insight.
Amtrak board members are appointed by the president of the united states the secretary of transportation and members of congress and the senate can make nominated. What part of the policy do you have issues with ?

jen said:
What part of the policy do you have issues with ?

How do you know he wasn't looking to write a thank-you letter? ;-)
I've taken the Amtrak with my bike numerous times and they charge a flat $10 for a bike and you can either take it apart slightly, the front wheel, seat and put in the overhead rack or if the train isn't expected to be full bungee it in the luggage area like Metra.

They're quite accommodating to an extent and if you are on an extended trip they may let you put a bike or 2 in the very rear car behind the employee seating area.

Otherwise you can box it as luggage and it's "free".
Careful, some bad info here.
Actual fees here:
Also, it should be noted that only certain lines allow bicycles.

Mike Zumwalt said:
I've taken the Amtrak with my bike numerous times and they charge a flat $10 for a bike and you can either take it apart slightly, the front wheel, seat and put in the overhead rack or if the train isn't expected to be full bungee it in the luggage area like Metra.

They're quite accommodating to an extent and if you are on an extended trip they may let you put a bike or 2 in the very rear car behind the employee seating area.

Otherwise you can box it as luggage and it's "free".


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