Alexian Brothers Tour Of Elk Grove Garmin swag Facebook give-away

 The Tour of Elk Grove will be giving away some Garmin Pro Cycling swag over the next few weeks. Go to our Facebook page and hit "Like" to be kept up on the details.

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So is the ride only for facebook users?

Look for this on twitter as well.  @tourofelkgrove

Tony Adams 6.6 mi said:

So is the ride only for facebook users?

 Our first giveaway question is up on our facebook page.  Your chance to enter ends this Friday for a pair of CamelBak Garmin-Sharp water bottles.

So the ride is for everyone, but the swag is only for facebook users. What about the spirit of love and sacrifice? is that open to everyone or just facebook users? Does a person have to be a facebook user to get treatment at an Alexian Brothers facility?

Jeff Curtin said:

 Our first giveaway question is up on our facebook page.  Your chance to enter ends this Friday for a pair of CamelBak Garmin-Sharp water bottles.

Info for The Tour of Elk Grove is here:

The first giveaway is a Facebook contest for anyone who wants to guess at the answer.

The next giveaway will be on Twitter. 


I can't wait for the Big-Wheel kid's race! :D

So, why wasn't this advertised more here on ChainLink (a bicyclists forum) ???


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