We are working with ATA in Bike The Drive (BTD).  Albany Park Bikes(A.P.B.) N.F.P. needs people that know how to simple bike repairs such a: fix a flat, brake adjustments, etc... We will be Ride Marshall's . A.P.B. is also looking to have a work station to do minor bike repairs etc.. Last year we all had a great time helping out ATA. We would like to continue this. Please if you have any questions feel free to call anytime.


Please contact me at:



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Is your fake organization related to Tony from the Fast Lane over there on North Ave. and Leavitt?

sure the op doesn't have the eloquence of a political powerhouse and maybe the website lacks the sophistication of a well thought out strategic marketing initiative. probably isn't the type of organization most people would be interested in especially if they are primarily in it for themselves... but hey, we're talking grass roots here. i know buddaa38 from a couple of events he has hosted or has been involved in. it would be an honor to assist you and albany park bikes with the effort to make the cycling experience more pleasurable for everyone involved.


the landslide is at your your service...


You said that you stay in A.P.  Well ask around like the 17th District, Alderman Laurino's office. My organization is new! I'm one of the founders that started North~Side Critical Mass ride.


Please do come & help us. If I re-call right you mentioned that you stay in Albany Park. My #'s 847-902-5668.
Robert Beck said:

Is your fake organization related to Tony from the Fast Lane over there on North Ave. and Leavitt?


We could use all the help, So do bring /or tell friends about this.

Would you please contact me off of here with your info: Name,cell,e-mail,T-Shirt size.

My info is :


shapeshifter said:

sure the op doesn't have the eloquence of a political powerhouse and maybe the website lacks the sophistication of a well thought out strategic marketing initiative. probably isn't the type of organization most people would be interested in especially if they are primarily in it for themselves... but hey, we're talking grass roots here. i know buddaa38 from a couple of events he has hosted or has been involved in. it would be an honor to assist you and albany park bikes with the effort to make the cycling experience more pleasurable for everyone involved.


the landslide is at your your service...

Here this link will tell you who we are & about us.




Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:



It would be a good idea to let people know what APB does.  You haven't posted since November(?), and then you show up on the forums looking for roadside repair volunteers for Bike The Drive.  What's been going on with Albany Park Bikes for the past 4+ months?  I'm curious.


I'm not opening a gas station! But you make it sound like that. We just ride petal bikes,so why not join us & stop fighting it.

notoriousDUG said:

Way to still not answer any questions.

What in the hell does a gas station have to do with anything I, or anyone else, has asked?  That does not even make sense as a reply...  How am I making it sound like you are opening a gas station? I just want to know where your shop is, who is running it and if you have purchased any tools yet...  All of those seem like important things when it comes to starting a bike program.


I don't know about you but I ride a pedal powered bicycle as I do not find petals to be 'beefy' enough to transmit power.


I am not joining you because I am not going to help an organization that cannot, or will not, answer simple questions about their organization.  I also see no reason to give time to a organization that apparently does nothing in the winter when there are so many others who do.  And finally given a choice I am going to support a cause with a cohesive message that can get it's message out vs. one that is so disorganized.




buddaa38 said:


I'm not opening a gas station! But you make it sound like that. We just ride petal bikes,so why not join us & stop fighting it.

notoriousDUG said:

Way to still not answer any questions.



I know what Albany Park Bikes is.  I'm not looking for that.  I (and others) are interested in what's been going on with APB in the past 4+ months.

buddaa38 said:

Here this link will tell you who we are & about us.




Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:



It would be a good idea to let people know what APB does.  You haven't posted since November(?), and then you show up on the forums looking for roadside repair volunteers for Bike The Drive.  What's been going on with Albany Park Bikes for the past 4+ months?  I'm curious.

don't underestimate the power of the petal...




We still need some more volunteers. This will be as ride marshals for ATA.  Albany Park Bikes (A.P.B.) is helping out in (B.T.D.) Bike The Drive.  



Please contact me at:




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