We are working with ATA in Bike The Drive (BTD).  Albany Park Bikes(A.P.B.) N.F.P. needs people that know how to simple bike repairs such a: fix a flat, brake adjustments, etc... We will be Ride Marshall's . A.P.B. is also looking to have a work station to do minor bike repairs etc.. Last year we all had a great time helping out ATA. We would like to continue this. Please if you have any questions feel free to call anytime.


Please contact me at:



Views: 298

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I'm in.

Count Steve in too.

I would like to volunteer but it seems that your NFP seems kind of shady!  Do you have a business address or even a place I can come check out?

We're not shady! I do have business address. Here's my website please check it out. We're a new organization. We our a not for profit ,which means I'm right know supporting it out of my personal pocket. Until we can get donations,sponsors,etc.. I'm in the process in building a shop. We did this last year as well.I've been at few different Alderman's events with police dept. Please ask around about me & who I am . I don't have the the time these days to be on here as I was at one time. You may feel free to contact me at:

Tony Riccardo
Albany Park Bikes (A.P.B.) N.F.P.
Executive Director





Thanks for the inquiry after you check out my website & ask around please come help us. We are working on getting our L.C.I. lic. that way we can teach bike safety to kids & adults. We would like to teach bike mechanic's to everyone as well.

Be safe,


Robert Beck said:

I would like to volunteer but it seems that your NFP seems kind of shady!  Do you have a business address or even a place I can come check out?

I need you & Steve's  T-Shirt size. Please dend me an e-mail with all info at : Tony@AlbanyParkBikes.org

I need name, address, phone #, etc. Same as last year.


Kohaku said:

I'm in.

Count Steve in too.

For f**ks sake get a proof reader.  It pains me to see someone who is trying to present themselves as professional and seeking volunteers, donations, and sponsors abuse language in such a fashion.  If you want people to take you seriously or feel you are not sketchy you need to be able to present things to them in stuff that is not a nightmare to read.

I notice you still do not have an address either, where are you trying to put a shop together?  Who do you have as a competent mechanic?

buddaa38 said:

We're not shady! I do have business address. Here's my website please check it out. We're a new organization. We our a not for profit ,which means I'm right know supporting it out of my personal pocket. Until we can get donations,sponsors,etc.. I'm in the process in building a shop. We did this last year as well.I've been at few different Alderman's events with police dept. Please ask around about me & who I am . I don't have the the time these days to be on here as I was at one time. You may feel free to contact me at:

Tony Riccardo
Albany Park Bikes (A.P.B.) N.F.P.
Executive Director





Thanks for the inquiry after you check out my website & ask around please come help us. We are working on getting our L.C.I. lic. that way we can teach bike safety to kids & adults. We would like to teach bike mechanic's to everyone as well.

Be safe,


Robert Beck said:

I would like to volunteer but it seems that your NFP seems kind of shady!  Do you have a business address or even a place I can come check out?



It would be a good idea to let people know what APB does.  You haven't posted since November(?), and then you show up on the forums looking for roadside repair volunteers for Bike The Drive.  What's been going on with Albany Park Bikes for the past 4+ months?  I'm curious.

The correct word that I should have used is suspicious!  I checked out your website and it seems you are only operational in the summer....The only way to check out your shop is the website...Where do you hold these classes for for kids and adults?  Can you please clarify Tony, I would like to help you out on Bike the Drive and I also live in Albany Park; so the shop would be great for the community.

buddaa38 said:

We're not shady! I do have business address. Here's my website please check it out. We're a new organization. We our a not for profit ,which means I'm right know supporting it out of my personal pocket. Until we can get donations,sponsors,etc.. I'm in the process in building a shop. We did this last year as well.I've been at few different Alderman's events with police dept. Please ask around about me & who I am . I don't have the the time these days to be on here as I was at one time. You may feel free to contact me at:

Tony Riccardo
Albany Park Bikes (A.P.B.) N.F.P.
Executive Director





Thanks for the inquiry after you check out my website & ask around please come help us. We are working on getting our L.C.I. lic. that way we can teach bike safety to kids & adults. We would like to teach bike mechanic's to everyone as well.

Be safe,


Robert Beck said:

I would like to volunteer but it seems that your NFP seems kind of shady!  Do you have a business address or even a place I can come check out?



Been busy with a building we just got. Trying to fix it up & move our parents in then us.
Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:



It would be a good idea to let people know what APB does.  You haven't posted since November(?), and then you show up on the forums looking for roadside repair volunteers for Bike The Drive.  What's been going on with Albany Park Bikes for the past 4+ months?  I'm curious.

Seriously get a proof reader man.  You are representing your NFP and every time you post something like this and the post before it you are hurting your own credibility.  Would you write a grant with language that poor?  Do you expect people to take you seriously as an organization when you present yourself like this?  People, or large organizations, are not going to volunteer or donate to your cause because if you cannot put together a post or release that is reasonably correct from a language standpoint they are not going to have any faith in you to actually succeed at your mission goal.


I really hate to be a complete ass to somebody who is trying to do something good but you really need to get it together if you want to have any success as an organization. 


First off what have you been doing since the summer?  APB, and you as well, have been completely absent from participation here over the winter, did you take the winter off?  How are you planning to be a advocate for cycling as viable transportation when your organization 'takes the winter off' while tons of cyclists are still commuting via bike?  From what I can tell from your participation here and the lack of anything on your website you have done nothing for the bike community for sometime but you show up and want volunteers...  I have news for you, if you want people to show up and help you there needs to be a return on their investment; if somebody give you their time what do they get other then a warm fuzzy feeling? Take a look at the successful bike outreach programs that are doing well and you will notice that they are giving something back, that people who go there and help get something in return.


While better than your posts your website needs a lot of help with language and such as well.  It does not read well at all.  It is also outdated; the events listed up there are still ones from last year!  Your website is the virtual face of your organization and if it is out of date, unorganized and poorly worded that is the impression of your organization it conveys.  Look at the websites for other organizations such as yours, does yours measure up?


You say that you are not sketchy and everything is on the up and up but you fail to give any kind of real answers when people ask questions.  Two people have asked where your shop is and you have given no answer.  I asked who is, or will be, running the shop and you have given no answer; would you trust an organization that ignored direct questions?


You want to do something good and I respect that but you are going about it in a manner that is, in my opinion, holding you back.



buddaa38 said:



Been busy with a building we just got. Trying to fix it up & move our parents in then us.
Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:



It would be a good idea to let people know what APB does.  You haven't posted since November(?), and then you show up on the forums looking for roadside repair volunteers for Bike The Drive.  What's been going on with Albany Park Bikes for the past 4+ months?  I'm curious.

To all that helped us last year. Please do contact us. We would like to see you helping again this year.


Thank you,


Albany Park Bikes (A.P.B.)

Tony Riccardo




Way to still not answer any questions.

count me in.

just sent you an email


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