There I was ready to check into my flight at O'Hare Airport
here in the Windy City complete with my backpack & bike when
the TSA agent gave me the news: "sorry, you can't take your bike
with you..."
Well, I'll just have to lock it up out in front and hope it's still there
in a week or two, I thought.
TSA Agent - "If you lock it up ANYWHERE in/around the airport we'll
cut it off"
Me: "You mean there's NO WHERE in this whole airport a traveler can
lock up a bike"
TSA Agent: "That's policy, and it's the police who'll remove it"
they agreed to book me on a flight 24 hours later, no charge, so I could
go back leave bike at home all the way on the Blue line train how i came.
Actually the TSA agent was a really good guy - sympathetic, pleading my
case to his superiors, but to no avail
O.K., I should've been more prepared - but the last time I took a bike with
me there were, luckily, spare cardboard containers lying around they gave me
to use.
I'm now learning about "official" protective cases which are too big & bulky to 
carry along/ride with, but I'm sorry - the airlines THEMSELVES should be providing
these apparatuses - they can certainly afford to. Extra Baggage Fee to do so?
Hmm, well, I guess that'd be reasonable.
Hence, we're free to ride DIRECTLY from the airport at our arrived destination
in a minimalist & sensible way. 
Time to raise this ruckus!!

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