Air Show Accident - CPD Bike Officers & CFD Bike Paramedics First Responders

A serious accident for parachutists at the Air Show.

With the heavy traffic congestion for the Air Show, the Bike Patrol and Bike Paramedics are there to respond quickly.

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They are usually there for big events downtown.
Here is a picture (by @ Liz Twittler) of the Chicago Fire Department Bicycle Paramedics treating the injured parachutitist on Schiller St.

Sad news.
Corey Hood 32 RIP + US Army Sgt.1st Class
Perhaps it was just another person succumbing to the Horrid-Humid-Heat that we are having now, and not a car/bike crash. People were passing out from conditions out there yesterday.
Serge, Yes i did read what you wrote. You were riding south. (LFP?)
There was yet another accident.
Okay, I was responding to what I was seeing during the day.

It seems airshows are becoming shows of tragedies. Maybe the mayor should analyze how much risk he wants to take to put on these shows for the tourists and the citizens of this city.


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