I've been close to installing my window units several times now, but then we cool off and things are reasonably bearable again with windows and a box fan. Looks like we're supposed to get back down into the 70s in a few days . . .
Who all's getting by without AC, and who plans to do so through the summer?
Don't you need to get home and eat/make dinner before the sun sets around 8:30? I get hungrier way, way before that.
Jeff Schneider said:
My condo is top floor, east facing, and gets hot. It's also hard to get a breeze through it since all the windows are on the same wall. But I haven't used AC for several years. My strategy is just not ever to be there until well after sunset... That's not hard, given how great summer evenings are for biking.
snagged an apartment with a ceiling fan in every room (aside from the bathroom of course). been fine for two years now.. imagine I'll rough out this one too. On hot days just go by the lake... usually much cooler (+ there's usually a breeze).
Without reading prior comments, I'd like to chime in that I haven't put my window unit in, and actually, I haven't even thought about it. Last night I did feel a degree or two above desirable, but by now means stifling. I just stuck one leg out from under the blanket and was out. I am on the first floor, have mostly east and virtually no southern exposure. I generally keep the blinds down, which keeps a lot of the heat out.
I have a newborn this year, and he is not a fan of heat. It makes hims sick. It's the norwegian blood. So I've run the air several times. Luckily my condo seals up pretty well.
So far, I haven't even turned mine on in my bedroom. I just sleep with the windows open
I live in a garden apartment and it stays resonably cool down here for the most part. But I do not have air conditioning, and really couldnt afford it anyway. So I get by with fans.
^^Couldn't afford the increased billing, or the actual unit? IIRC, ComEd has a fairly liberal assistance program for those who need it.
Even in the worst of the year, which is August, our electric bill was only $80 - which is only a premium to the $40 we'd pay anyways for lights, etc.
Need to run it most of the summer. My better half suffers from asthma and allergies. When the humidity gets up there, like today, she pretty much stays locked in the house. At least we changed out the 40 year old central a/c unit and furnace for a new one last year. Cut our usage cost almost in half.
We sealed off our air conditioner when we moved in and haven't looked back. Small steps to a better planet. Cold water, lots of ice and box fan or two work just fine.
Yes, you are most likely nuts. Enjoy your coffee, you loon! (just kidding)
I turned off the fan in the window and shut it, lowering the insulating cellular blind and closing the inner plantation shutters. It's way hotter outside and too humid. It's nice and cool in here down in the basement. The cats have taken to laying on the ceramic tile floors.
Yesterday I painted a fork outside and the stupid paint dried before it hit the fork and powdered on the surface. Too hot & humid to paint with a rattle-can! If I had a real sprayer I'd just change the reducer to a slower-drying mix to account for the heat and humidity. Today, after baking it I had to wet-sand it down smooth with 1500-grit and soapy-water to prep for a better final coat. I'll try again when it cools down a little and isn't so humid -next month? August?
At least it is cool and comfy in the house. No spray-painting in there or the wife will NOT be happy.
If you came from South Sudan this would seem a cool spring night.
h' said:
I dragged one window unit down from the attic last Saturday but didn't put it in.
Temp is 91 in here right now, and sitting down to evening coffee.
Starting to like the way it feels in a perverse way . . .
Am I nuts?
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