Well I got my geared bike back up and running this week and i desperately want to go for a ride.  I won't be able to leave until close to noon. Does anyone have a route they love that is around 60-70 miles?  I was thinking of just doing the 3 floyd's run.

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Think that path is clear?

Brian Kennedy said:
Lake Forest and back is about 50 miles round-trip via North Channel Trail, Green Bay Trail, and Robert McClory Path from the NW side. Looks like if you want to stretch it out a bit, you can go up to Waukegan and turn around. The routes take a bit of research and some like to just do Sheridan all the way.
I've heard that the North Channel Trail (the one with the sculpture park running along McCormick) is pretty icy.

I can tell you for certain that the North Branch Trail is still majorly iced on many stretches.

Brian Kennedy said:
I would only be guessing at this point. I would imagine all are still somewhat iced over. May have to wait for this trip.

Joe TV said:
Think that path is clear?

Brian Kennedy said:
Lake Forest and back is about 50 miles round-trip via North Channel Trail, Green Bay Trail, and Robert McClory Path from the NW side. Looks like if you want to stretch it out a bit, you can go up to Waukegan and turn around. The routes take a bit of research and some like to just do Sheridan all the way.


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