Hello Chainlinkers, we just received notice about a public meeting in Lake County about the redesign of U.S. Route 45.

We just posted this blog (copied/pasted below). Please let any Lake County folks know about this.

Apologies about the last-minute notice, we're still hiring for a new Suburban Outreach Manager but thankfully one of our members passed it to us.


Ethan Spotts, Active Trans

Please tell Lake County how to improve U.S. Route 45

The Lake County Department of Transportation is looking at opportunities for expanding and re-aligning U.S. Route 45 near Millburn Road and McDonald Woods Forest Preserve.

You can check out the proposed plans at http://www.route45project.com.

The plans have made some considerations for people who walk and bike. To voice your support for this project or add your own comments, you may attend the public hearing Thursday or submit comments through the website.

Public Hearing for U.S. Route 45 - IL 132 to IL 173 and Millburn Bypass
Thursday, March 21, 2013 
4:30 PM to 7:30 PM 
Millburn Middle School 
640 Freedom Way 
Lindenhurst, IL 60046

When submitting comments, please consider the following:

  • Thank Lake County DOT for designing this as a “complete streets” project with sidewalks or sidepaths along almost every road in the project area and adding pedestrian accommodations at traffic signals.
  • Encourage the Lake County DOT to create at-grade pedestrian crossings with refuge islands at all intersections, most importantly the crossing at Haven Lane.
  • Encourage the Lake County DOT to work with the Lake County Forest Preserve and Lindenhurst Park District to connect the near-by parks to the proposed sidewalk connections

With your support we can ensure major road projects like this one offer complete opportunities for safe walking and biking.

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I posted this at the end of the day yesterday...just giving it one bump in case there are some Lake Co. folks on Chainlink or if anyone knows any Lake Co. residents.

Thanks so much,

Ethan Spotts, Active Trans

Ethan, I tried clicking your link to the project plan, but it dumps me as page not found.  I think there's a stray %20 at the end of your URL causing the problem.  I'm able to get to the web site by manually typing it in.

I do a lot of work in Lake County, though I live in Cook, so I have some interest in this.

Yep. Here is a working link: http://www.route45project.com . 

Thanks a lot, sorry about that...edited the original post, too.

Ethan Spotts, Active Trans


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