I'm thinking of becoming a bike mechanic here in Chicago... I was wondering if any of you who work full time and make a living off being a bike mechanic have any advice on how to best go about this sort of thing.  I've found two schools online that give courses and certifications and have thought about that...  How much $$$ do you make an hour?  How stable of a career move would this be for someone to take, I mean, is it a good assumption that I'd be able to find work in Chicago as a mechanic pretty easily or not?  Thanks for any advice or stories on how you did it!

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I was just going to post that here...

Kelvin Mulcky said:

Extra credit if you can figure out how to embed it. 

Like this?

Kelvin Mulcky said:

Extra credit if you can figure out how to embed it.

^Give this guy a raise!

'Nother reason to go into IT and not bike mechanic school. ;)

Also another reason to periodically show up at your LBS with tasty beverages and other gifts. 

ha! I just posted that in Dug's other thread about why mechanics are grumpy.

Kelvin Mulcky said:

^Give this guy a raise!

'Nother reason to go into IT and not bike mechanic school. ;)

Yes!  Now I just gotta do it.  I'm thinking cookies. 

T.K. 8.4 mi said:

Also another reason to periodically show up at your LBS with tasty beverages and other gifts. 


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