Cook County is working on a new long range transportation plan and is soliciting the opinion of residents. Head here:

...and let them know where you would like to see better cycling infrastructure!

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Way cool survey. I'm becoming a big Preckwinkle fan.

I agree - I met her at a Bat Mitzvah party for a mutual friend's daughter - she was very approachable and I enjoyed our brief conversation. A big step up from Todd Stroger, IMO.

I am not sure how much of a compliment that is.  The bar was pretty low!

As far as the survey, I find those surveys that ask one to pinpoint issues on a map of an area the size of Cook County to be pretty difficult.  I am not going to take the time to zoom down to every little thing.  I made a couple of very general comments, but they probably were not useful.

The other problem with this--as one of the articles pointed out--is that Cook County does not control most of the area in Cook County.  It is either municipalities or IDOT.  Cook County only controls the unincorporated bits.
Andy J (9.2 miles) said:

,<snip> A big step up from Todd Stroger, IMO.



Yeah, Todd is kind of an easy target...

As for who controls the roads, the Cook County Highway Department is responsible for a number of stretches - here's a good map:

I made sure all the CCHD roads (in red) I regularly ride on were commented up.

Thanks for this. I was wondering how everything was divided up among jurisdictions. 

Andy J (9.2 miles) said:

As for who controls the roads, the Cook County Highway Department is responsible for a number of stretches - here's a good map:


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