Riding to work around 4 this afternoon, heading south on the 3100 block of Lincoln, I saw an ambulance and fire truck on the northbound side.  As I slowly rode by, I saw paramedics put a stretcher with a person on it into the back.  I'm assuming this victim was as a cyclist, as the fireman were inspecting a bike at the scene.  Anyone see what happened?  I hope whoever was placed in the back of the ambulance is alright.

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That crash was in the same block as this crash.


Actually just north of there, between this intersection and the Ashland/Belmont/Lincoln light.  I've posted a link to this thread on the attorney's website.  Perhaps he can track down more info and help the victim if there is a case.

Mark said:

That crash was in the same block as this crash.


Davo said:

Their coffee is crap



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