I've recently started thinking about small stickers that could be stuck on a car's side mirrors to remind drivers to look around before turning and opening doors. My idea was a clear vinyl sticker with a bicycle screen printed (mockup below).
I don't know.. This could be a cheap and fun initiative. Seems really low cost, and not invasive. We could just get a lot of people together, hand out stickers, and cover a stretch of street's car's side mirrors. Additionally, there could be a small piece of paper (or business card) handed out with a website for information or something.
I really can't stand seeing events like this.. There's got to be an effective way to help people be more aware.
I've got ideas for the website, and ideas for how to spread things around. I'm even thinking kickstarter style where people would just get huge sticker packs to spread all around streets everywhere.
What do you guys think?
On the other hand they do look at the mirror several times while driving & a fraction of those several times, they will notice the bicycle sticker, and that will be a regular reminder of bicycles.
In other words, the sticker is not necessarily to remind them to look in the mirror..
notoriousDUG said:
The problem there is they have to look in the mirror to see the sticker to remind them to look in the mirror...
Ryan Morris said:
Hi Ryan,
There's a group that was started here on Chainlink shortly after a dooring death in 2012 and they have been working on an awareness campaign since then - they're really well-organized and are doing great things. I haven't been able to make the meetings, but I am sure they could use another volunteer:
I grasp the 'subliminal' concept of the idea BUT question whether putting anything on the mirror wouldn't block or distract the driver/passenger as they are about to disembark. The added bizzyness could be more of a deterent to their seeing oncoming bikes and if anyone started putting them onto cars unsolicited they could be up for lawsuits when a door was opened in front of a bike (remember the Steve Martin movie with the handle for glasses).
We need ideas that could do that subliminal purpose without the distraction factor. We were out last weekend (LOOKChicago) passing out cards and putting them under windsheild wipers and as more events of this kind are scheduled you're welcome to join us.
On Saturday after passing out LOOK flyers I was talking with Joe Hall, the owner of Quick Release Bike Shop at 1527 N. Ashland, who is the co-chair of the Wicker Park Bucktown Organization Transportation Committee. They are working on an anti-dooring campaign and one of the things he said they are considering is a decal for the rear-view mirror. Steve Vance is on that committee. Steve, are you out there? Any comments? Joe also said CDOT is working on something, but with stickers geared to cabs and to put on the parking pay boxes.
It sounds like there is talk about a decal for cabs with the higher ups. Hopefully it actually happens.
Is it too much to ask that all cabs be mandated to have sliding doors? :-)
YES! I like the LBO initiative. Seems like a good spot for a reminder. Also seems like they've got a little momentum.
I haven't driven for a few years, but I do remember that I would look at those mirrors often enough that I probably would have been more often reminded to look out. Perhaps it's not the best spot though. Maybe that takes a little tweaking. I was wondering about how busy it might make things look on the mirror, and if that might be more problematic. Perhaps the first thing should be to make some stickers, distribute them to friends with cars, and see if it's a nuisance or if it's a helpful reminder. It would be nice to hear feedback from LBO drivers too. I'm sure some tweaking could really make this idea pretty effective.
I fully support the parking pay box ideas though. Seems like a perfect unobtrusive spot to set a reminder. It could even be a part of the dialogue on the screen when paying for parking.
Got to go look into LOOK now.. sounds awesome!
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