
i feel like forest gump!

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more as new orleans allows....
mardi gras indians just rocked Gaudet Hall
two years ago?.....if you had told me... i'd be rocking a chinese re-pop huffy in Nola?!!?.....
a klezmer band people.... that makes us multi-cultural!!!!

the secret key is the opening graphic....
how lucky am i?....

A Sturmey ARcher inservice...

the next day... what do do with "magna" bikes....

it is like living in "portlandia"

.... so much more to learn about transmysogyny!!!

this is the best professional development conference EVER!!
yes.... my petty complaints about peds in the kinzie bike lane kinda melt away... don't they?!?......

we are so friggin' lucky the masses are asleep...beluvved...

...all this biking to ourselves!!!!
Jah loves an old, rusty bike!!!!!
Friends don't let friends ride new bikes!
For Jah so loved the world, that She gave them Her only Begotten Schwinn....
i am couch-flopping in dorothy lamour's childhood home... allegedly
thank you WB.... and the friend that encouraged me to go there...
and marie for getting me housing
and mama ook!!!

thank Jah for getting us there safe in the monster truck

300 attended, they fed us b-fast every day...

we held "prom" in a church gym

klezmer band
mardi gras indians


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