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look at 00:52

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Remind me not to move to Uptown.
Just bookmark that video, and call it something like, Don't Move To Uptown. If you're ever thinking about moving there, watch it.

MVG said:
Remind me not to move to Uptown.
How about never gas.
3 Shot In Uptown This Morning
Happened this morning one block away from my place while I was on the M.M.ride.
Another good reason for me going over to Clark on Irving from the LFP after MM. Burned it up Clark to Rogers Pk.

Ryan L said:
3 Shot In Uptown This Morning
Happened this morning one block away from my place while I was on the M.M.ride.
there's already a huge social cost...and loss.

Brian Kennedy said:
And all the money you have saved us, M.A.R.K. could then go to scraping even more hopeless drug addicts off the streets and in to state institutions. Even if drugs were legal, it would take money to buy them, they are addictive, and physically and mentally destructive. Where would those with no real income get the money to buy drugs? By committing crimes and stealing from others, that's how. I do agree that you might solve the gang power problem but at what social cost?

M.A.R.K. said:
Want to rid the world of street gangs and organized crime? Legalize drugs! All drugs.. Not only will it cut down on money spent for the inflated number of police on the streets and excess prison population and building, but will take away the power of organized street gangs.

Pablo said:
Think about how these gangs get their power. They have power because they have money. They have money because they sell drugs. They sell drugs because it is easy money. Think about what you support when buying your next dime bag.
Choice Corner to live huh ???? Ha Ha, maybe we should set the up against 77 and CMS and let them just waste each other, it would solve much. H H Ha Ha, I live thew other vids too. You are Awsome.....
I'm with Cliff, in fact more than one sniper on a rooftop might be the only way to keep those mofo's in line.
Unless your gonna actually do it (and not say anything) keep in mind it is still criminal to even infer it. Murder is murder, I mean I could just say cause your a naked group of idiots riding down the street making a scene or even blocking traffic (C MASS) for 20 min while my wife is having her baby in the front seat. Once you say it on NING or on any forum, count on someone showing up to arrest your azz just because they need someone to blame it on. Now matter how pissed off, don't give yourself up by talking crap like that, just do it and NEVER admit to anyone under any circumstance that you did it. That is a good criminal/murder/sniper for ya. It has nothing to do if I agree with you or not. I know your pissed, but it goes 2 ways. It would not be a good idea for anyone to suggest directly criminal acts, ESPECIALLY now the I am working with Law Enforcement myself on certain computer data mining programs BAD IDEA BAD IDEA..... You could try being creative in your vocabulary to make the point so obscure or use links to other text to say what you want, it would be difficult to prosecute in court with a good lawyer (i mean criminal)
I think M.A.R.K's point was that with legalization comes regulation and control. Drug dealers deal because they make a LOT of money, if drugs were legalized and regulated they'd be cheaper. People don't steal for cigarette money, tobacco has been show to be as addictive as heroin or morphine.
Cannabis here in the US is $20/g for high quality, in countries where its regulated, $10/g. for much higher quality. The reality is as long as cash is king, people will rob, steal and cheat, and not just poor folks....Ask Tony Rezko. I'll stick with product of environment and reinforcement of negative behavior aka: stop snitchin.

Brian Kennedy said:
And all the money you have saved us, M.A.R.K. could then go to scraping even more hopeless drug addicts off the streets and in to state institutions. Even if drugs were legal, it would take money to buy them, they are addictive, and physically and mentally destructive. Where would those with no real income get the money to buy drugs? By committing crimes and stealing from others, that's how. I do agree that you might solve the gang power problem but at what social cost?

M.A.R.K. said:
Want to rid the world of street gangs and organized crime? Legalize drugs! All drugs.. Not only will it cut down on money spent for the inflated number of police on the streets and excess prison population and building, but will take away the power of organized street gangs.

Pablo said:
Think about how these gangs get their power. They have power because they have money. They have money because they sell drugs. They sell drugs because it is easy money. Think about what you support when buying your next dime bag.


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