I havent seen the plan yet, and the story is really really short and quotes kept to a bare minimum(hate when they do that). Im just curious to what you folks think, good or bad idea?

Again, I havent looked at the plan, but would it be indoors(anyone know)? Who would fund the upkeep and such? Would the same rules apply like the Ed velo in Northbrook? Would rentals be available if you dont have a bike that meets qualifications? Is Douglas Park a good spot to drop something like this?

Off the top of my head, I think it would be great to have an indoor track, but would events be year round? Some of the same disagreeing points that apply to a velodrome in the Northbrrok can also apply to the city. Some of the comments noted that due to Metras bike restrictions its hard for folks to get out for events, same applies going inbound vs. out.

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Living in the neighborhood I say a velodrome in Douglas would be awesome. That is actually the only reason I would like the Olympics to be held here. But realistically speaking...Douglas would be better off with some soccer fields. A velodrome in the city would really help competitive cycling here i just don't think douglas is the best fit..I would love it but its not the best place for it.
A velodrome in Douglas Park would be great. Obviously we have to be extremely cautious with anything that takes away limited green space, but a velodrome would be just as much in the spirit of serving the public as all the pools, tennis courts, and field houses in our parks today. (Yes, I live in the neighborhood as well.) Alex, what other site would you propose?
i say we rebuild the old humboldt park track!

It would be great, but only if it is an indoor track. Then the wintertime would be peak track season, we could attract top end pros as it is 'off' season for them (unless they are track specialists).
H3's got it right. That airport was torn down by Daley and you would think he would make better use of that space aside from the occasional summer concert. The location and scenery would be perfect.

Dan Korn said:
A velodrome in Douglas Park would be great. Obviously we have to be extremely cautious with anything that takes away limited green space, but a velodrome would be just as much in the spirit of serving the public as all the pools, tennis courts, and field houses in our parks today. (Yes, I live in the neighborhood as well.) Alex, what other site would you propose?
did anyone else hear the segment on chicago public radio the other day with the friends of the parks lady? she was talking about the effects the olympics would have on the parks, as FOTP is a parks/greenspace advocacy/protection paraphrase, she was complaining about the structures that would have to be built and boldy said "no body in chicago uses a velodrome!" as if absolutely nobody in chicago would ever use it post-olympics. Now i am not a track racer by any means, and personally probably would never use it, but i have met many cyclists, including the folks behind Yojimbo's Track Cats (track-racing team for chicago youth), who i feel would get a lot of use out of that *potential* velodrome. i'm wondering if she got any backlash from the cycling community for assuming otherwise? thoughts?
good points h3, that's why it struck me as so misinformed and snarky.

direct quote:
TRANTER: The legacy projects as they currently proposed are going to be harmful to the parks. A velodrome in Douglas Park - I mean who is going to use - number one, no one uses a velodrome in the city of Chicago.

there's definitely some assertive comments left on the CPR page where the interview is:
i'd ride it!

That being said, IF the Olymics were here, the cycling events are proposed for the Madison, WI area. Wouldn't the 'drome go there, too?

Also, an Oly velodrome per IOC spec must be built of wood. Who would pay for upkeep of a board track, not to mention of the facility in general? i'm afraid it would go the way of Montreal's track and be cut up for firewood and fancy teak furniture.

So, how about a nice concrete outdoor 333m track somewhere in town or collar 'burbs?

N'brook has been vastly improved since i first rode there in the '70s (surface, markings and best of all, a real apron!), but it's very outdated and flat as a saucer, not to mention also that since Techny Seminary sold off their pastureland to developers, the immediate neighbours have been problematic (the cows never carped about light and noise!)

And also, Daley's a roadie. i don't think he'd get track. ;-)

And what about his successor? If s/he's not nearly as bike friendly? And lastly, do you really want Chicago running anything like a 'drome? Think: fees, parking, accessibility, upkeep. (Worse yet, think about the Cook County Board managing such a facility...{shudder!}


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