A safe East/West St. to Park Ridge from West Rodgers Park

 I'm looking for a safe street that will take me in Chicago from Park Ridge. I know that Pratt St. is a bike lane, But it only go's up to Skokie BLVD. I think. Please help would like to ride in from Park Ridge to city.

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Where do you start riding in Park Ridge? I have a couple of suggestions, but they are dependent on where you are starting.

I can't vouch for anything west of Central Ave, but Pratt is your best option from Central east to McCormick.  You'll have to jog north (to Touhy) or south (to Devon) when Pratt gets interrupted between McCormick and Kedzie (the North Shore Channel), but its good east of Kedzie as well.

Hey Howard, I live in Park Ridge and ride to the city a few times a week.  I reccomend taking McCormick to Howard.  Howard has a bike lane a few miles down that goes for several miles.  Howard ends at one point and reconnects over the highway.  You would turn left where it ends go over the bridge (over the highway) and turn right at the first street you come to.  Follow it around and turn left on the second street (it should say Howard).  You can take this down all the way to Park Ridge.  It will turn into Sibley and you can turn Left onto Prospect to connect with the PicWick Movie Theatre.


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