a pritzker allegedly getting away with hitting a bicyclist?

an interesting article about a person of a very wealthy family allegedly hitting a bicyclist:



i hope greenfield keeps us up-to-date on this story.

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i understand that the pritzker's are major contributor's to chicago, and now i learn that there is a pritzker tied to active trans. thanks.

and yes, it's just a complaint and everyone is innocent till proven guilty. that's why i want to reiterate that i hope mr. greenfield keeps us posted on the results.
I'm not going to boycott anything and I don't give a rat's ass if a Pritzker is my boss or the founder of chainlink. I'm not going to judge the entire family based on the action of one.

my response is just that Matthew Pritzker did something very wrong; and the uberwolk at CPD conjured up a scheme for him and that is very wrong. and all involved should be ashamed of their actions.
and all this caused a lot of pain and suffering for the now plantiff in this lawsuit (which should be
unnecessary btw if _justice *was not* a game_ in this city (to paraphrase bob dylan)).

H3N3 said:
There's a bit of a catch-22 here; we've got our own Pritzker (not sure of the relation to "P") who's been a regular participant in CM and various Bike Winter events for years, and is a major benefactor of Active Trans and the major backer of the latest edition of the Chicagoland Bicycle Map . . . you'd want to be sure you weren't boycotting his interests as well.

Mark Kenseth said:
also, should we boycott the business that mr. p owns/invests in?
It appears that all parties agree Ibarra hit the car with his lock. What can we conclude solely from this fact?

He was very angry. Now, perhaps he's a hot head, or perhaps he was legitimately pissed off after being buzzed/run off the road/etc. Maybe both.

It appears that all parties agree Pritzker drove off with the bike wedged under his car. What can we conclude solely from this fact?

Unequivocally, he's a major asshole.

I don't think the above two actions are anywhere near comperable.

And pardon me for allowing the latter to influence my determination as to who is more credible...

I can't believe the dailies haven't picked this up.

jamimaria said:
It certainly would be good to hear more about what develops in the story. The police report is certainly a little fishy, but jumping to conclusions after just reading a complaint is a little hasty. A complaint is basically the initial "he said" part...and it really kind of seems like the complainer might be minimizing their own actions.
Pritzker stopped at a red light at Sedgwick Street, Ibarra tapped on the passenger door to tell him he’d passed too closely. After the driver cursed at him, the cyclist rolled forward and “Pritzker then began to hit Ibarra while on his bicycle with [Pritzker’s] vehicle,” according to the complaint. Ibarra then reportedly struck the hood with his U-lock “in self-defense,” and the force of the car threw him off his bicycle. Pritzker allegedly ran over the bike and sped north on Sedgwick, dragging the cycle under his car. (While the complaint represents his version of events, Ibarra, on his counsel’s advice, did not speak with us.) Read more: http://chicago.timeout.com/articles/museums-culture/88085/lawsuit-a...

I mean, the complaint (like any complaint would) makes it seem like Ibarra is totally innocent, but as a cyclist, I know that when doing some of what happened there, it could have been kind of different. Tapping on a window could have been banging...how did the cyclist get in front of the car...why did the guy have his u-lock in hand? How is striking a car with a u-lock self defense?

Not that I'm saying that running over a bike, dragging it and driving away are okay, but part of the legal process is hearing both sides. You have to admit, sometimes cyclists can be a little aggressive when trying to right a perceived wrong.

Perhaps Pritzker's response will be. "On July 16, 2010, Pritzker was driving west on North Avenue towards his home in Lincoln Park. He approached the plaintiff riding a bicycle in the lane of traffic and carefully passed the cyclist, who was riding erratically. A few blocks later, while stopped for the lights, the cyclist began banging on Pritzker’s window and yelling. When the light changed, Pritzker attempted to leave the scene, but the Plaintiff put himself and his bicycle in front of the vehicle. Pritzker attempted to leave, and nudged the cyclist with his vehicle. The cyclist then brandished a large, heavy “u-type” lock and began beating on Pritzker’s vehicle. Fearing for his safety, Pritzker took evasive actions to get away, and pushed the plaintiff off of his bicycle with the vehicle. The plaintiff continued to act threateningly towards Pritzker, so Pritzker left the scene of the confrontation and contacted police.”

Not that that is true at all, but I think we are a little hasty with calling judgment so soon. This is just a complaint. Surely this case will be settled out of court, but it’s important to think that there could certainly have been some contributions to the scene on the part of the cyclist. It’s a case of he-said, he said since it looks like the witnesses only saw the vehicle leaving the scene.
dan brown said:
I'm not going to boycott anything and I don't give a rat's ass if a Pritzker is my boss or the founder of chainlink. I'm not going to judge the entire family based on the action of one.

my response is just that Matthew Pritzker did something very wrong; and the uberwolk at CPD conjured up a scheme for him and that is very wrong. and all involved should be ashamed of their actions.
and all this caused a lot of pain and suffering for the now plantiff in this lawsuit (which should be
unnecessary btw if _justice *was not* a game_ in this city (to paraphrase bob dylan)).

H3N3 said:
There's a bit of a catch-22 here; we've got our own Pritzker (not sure of the relation to "P") who's been a regular participant in CM and various Bike Winter events for years, and is a major benefactor of Active Trans and the major backer of the latest edition of the Chicagoland Bicycle Map . . . you'd want to be sure you weren't boycotting his interests as well.

Mark Kenseth said:
also, should we boycott the business that mr. p owns/invests in?

OK, and I agreed with you . . .?
Thanks for the update, Cameron!

yeah-thanks cam for updating us.

I hope this story doesn't die-it needs to be heard; but that is what almost everyone wants (the story to be buried).


Red Bull Heir kills, drags cop with Ferrarri, "low level" cop hurries to turn in 'bogus suspect.'


I would just like to point out that everyone who has commented, myself included, has no idea what actually happened that day because they were not there as a witness and they haven't heard any testimony. We have only read one news story about what the plaintiff has alleged in his civil complaint. Both parties will get their day in court. If after a fair hearing the court rules for the plaintiff then there will be cause and time for ranting and I will be one of the first and loudest voices.

The link at TOC now gives "page not found". Anyone else having this issue? I only hope TOC isn't corruptible too....


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