The fact that Bill Cunningham rides his bike around NYC to do his job as the "On The Street" fashion photographer at the NY-Times seems almost incidental to the documentary, Bill Cunningham New York. However, I think it's probably vital to the way he sees things and the kind of images he's able to capture on a daily basis. It's like that old bike advocacy talking point (the one that's most resonant for me), "Ride your bike, see more cool shit!"


Anyway, I'm posting here to implore you to see this movie. It's at the Music Box right now.


If you're interested in fashion, life in NYC, and a guy who loves his work, never sells out, and rides his bike--this such a life-affirming movie. I cannot recommend it enough.


(At the time of the filming, Bill was on his 29th bike. The previous 28th bikes were stolen. He's been doing this job in NYC for about 40 years.)



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A bike lasts just over 1 - 1 1/2 years.

Needs locking lessons; however, being a (very) novice photographer, I understand that if you take the time to lock then shoot, you may miss the shot.

Note to bike thieves; follow photogs that bike...


It's an afterthought that he's on his 29th bike. He seems to be the least bit concerned about losing 28 bikes. I think the documentarian was a bit taken aback by that statistic. Fwiw: he uses one of those massive chain bike locks. (I don't know what they're called.)


There was another point at which he hits a car that's stopped in front of him. Everyone in the audience gasps and the movie just moves forward without making the crash a focal point. Another kind of movie would have probably spent a lot of time hashing the dangers of biking, NY drivers, etc. He also covers gala events, charity balls and society parties in the city and really gets around sometimes covering two or three major events a night. (He's 80.) The fact that he's on a bike seems almost incidental to the story, and yet it's integral to his life and work.


If you're interested in photography, I think you'd really like this movie.



Nice!  Thanks for posting.  I love Bill Cunningham and I have been anticipating this film.  I'm there!

I went on Saturday and am hoping to go again tonight!


Bill on the Park Avenue bike weekends.  How much awesome can you fit in one link?

I saw this movie at the Beverly Art Center a few weeks ago, only went because it was so hot (they have air I don't) but I was really surprized at how much I enjoyed it. Not only is it about this odd/wise man on a bike, in love with fasion and film---it's about a man in love with life. A very cool movie.
+1 on the Park Ave Summer Streets program. Chicago isn't cool enough to have something as sensible as that like the First City does.

That video clip warms the cockles of my heart. I adore Bill Cunningham and (as you can tell),  I loved this movie. I would see this movie again and I watched it 2x.

True, Allen W.--what do we have that's like Park Avenue summer streets program? I can't think of anything like it here in Chicago that's not a group/organized ride. It looks a bit like mayhem to me with all the various modes of wheeled transportation, but still--how nice to have a city street that's not devoted to cars even if it's just a summer thing.



Joe TV said:

Bill on the Park Avenue bike weekends.  How much awesome can you fit in one link?

took me awhile to get to this... very nice.


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