So, I was on the Four Star Bike and Chow, and noticed this tourist.  The location was so strange I took a picture.

Any other strange sightings?

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Are the 4Star routes marked by the red sharrows and chicago star on the roads?

Tricolor said:

I did mention to someone I was riding with it would have been an excellent promotion to hire some people to ride Divvys on each of the Four Star routes.

I would call them pink, but in Chicago, yes, that is how the routes were marked.  In the suburbs there were little sticky pink arrows.

Davo said:

Are the 4Star routes marked by the red sharrows and chicago star on the roads?

Tricolor said:

I did mention to someone I was riding with it would have been an excellent promotion to hire some people to ride Divvys on each of the Four Star routes.

Thanks i thought they were ward or neighborhood outlines. Then I saw the 22, 12 and 36 numbers at one crossroad.

He was most likely an accidental bandit. I thought about telling him that, but since we didn't have a way to have him sign up on the spot, and given that he subsidizes mine and your Divvy memberships I did let it go.

He did seem to have agreat time though.

Lisa Curcio 6.5 mi said:

I saw him on the Chicago part of the 62 mile ride (cannot remember where) and on the North Branch Trail south of the Botanic Gardens.  He was southbound and I told him I had never seen a Divvy that far north. He just smiled.  Since the route did not go south on the North Branch, it seems he did not actually do the entire 62 mile route.  No rider number, I note.

Maybe he was a Divvy employee showing off the bike?


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