The following solicitation was received via the contact e-mail at Chicago Stolen Bike Registry. We agreed that this was one of the more compelling solicitations we've received; we don't have the capacity to act on it at the moment so thought we'd offer it up to the Chainlink readership. Attachments follow message.

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It's all part of the gay agenda!  That whole "marriage" thing is just a ruse to get to our precious bicycles!

My mother was right to warn me not to trust gay openings.  In the heady days of easy sauna sex, gay openings were so common.  But after AIDS, forget it, gay openings were harder and harder to come by.  Until we discovered those Kriptonite locks.  Ooh, even the word Kriptonite makes me think of Superman in tights.  I am so excited at the prospect of encountering new gay openings at locked bicycles all over town.   Divvy!

I hate when bad gay stick stuff in my lock. At least good gay give me a reach-around.

Gays stealing bikes aside, I checked to see if there were other companies selling this "magnetic code" lock. This one appears to have a smaller "lever" on the cross-bar than others. Some appear to have shockingly long ends. (And I thought this one looked bad). Also wondering if the little "hinge" is all that's holding that end in. Assuming a 100% importer/distributer markup and a 100% retailer markup, this is a $21 u-lock. Hope we don't start seeing these on the street for "opening with skill"...

Gotta love Engrish...

Being "gay" in Shanghai is cool, just don't be "bad gay"?


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