TheCycleStudio is looking for your feedback/advice/opinions or suggestions about running 90-minute cycling classes focusing on building rider's endurance.


The sessions would be offered one day a week for a 4-week period, every month. As stated before these classes will focus on building rider's endurance, verses a standard indoor cycling classes workout that deals with traditional "spinning" related routines (ie. jumps, climbs, etc.).


We have had a few requests from our outdoor riders about this style of class and we want to get a feel for how many people think this is a good or bad idea.


*We are aware that quite a few riders don't care for indoor cycling and only like to ride outside year round. We have nothing against those riders, however we are looking to give other riders a place to continue their riding during the winter months.




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I would be interested in this : even though I enjoy riding outdoors year 'round; sometimes it's so nice
to not have to worry about : layering (and freezing or overheating); traffic; potholes, etc. and just
ride. A group setting with lots of visuals (TeeVees, mirrors, etc.) and audio (music, instructor/coach)
is really enjoyable. You can get a really intense (or not) stress-free workout this way.

What's even cooler (I've done this) is to bike to the indoor session (as a warm up); shed the layers
and do the workout; then re-apply the layers for a slow EZ cool-down ride home.

leave the car at home ! (or at the ex'es !)

Indoor cycling sounds fun, but I wouldn't want to be stationary. Is there an indoor track?
Great! We are looking at a March 7th (Sunday) start date. Please keep posted to our website for the latest details, however I will update this post as we get closer. Nevertheless we look forward to your visit!

daniel brown said:
I would be interested in this : even though I enjoy riding outdoors year 'round; sometimes it's so nice
to not have to worry about : layering (and freezing or overheating); traffic; potholes, etc. and just
ride. A group setting with lots of visuals (TeeVees, mirrors, etc.) and audio (music, instructor/coach)
is really enjoyable. You can get a really intense (or not) stress-free workout this way.

What's even cooler (I've done this) is to bike to the indoor session (as a warm up); shed the layers
and do the workout; then re-apply the layers for a slow EZ cool-down ride home.

leave the car at home ! (or at the ex'es !)

Unfortunately we do not have an indoor track. I can understand how stationary bikes might not be as appealing to an avid outdoor rider, but I would suggest to give it a try at least once. Everyone's first class is free with our online coupon. This allows riders, like yourself, who are not keen on indoor cycling the chance to experience our version of indoor cycling with a no risk trail.

Tony Adams said:
Indoor cycling sounds fun, but I wouldn't want to be stationary. Is there an indoor track?
H3N3 you are in part correct. Our standard classes are a 45-minute "Spinning" workout with certified instructors, however some of our customers requested an extended ride time to build up endurance for longer bike rides.

We are looking to offer alternative class options to these clients, and others alike, who wish to participate in a class that can improving their overall stamina and/or help them train for upcoming bike events.

These 90-minute classes would be added to our current class schedule as an additional option, not taking place of our standard 45-minute spin style classes. Basically we want to see if there is enough interest within the outdoor cycling community offer these classes, as they are aimed to help outdoor riders ride indoors when they cannot get outside.

Hopefully that helps clear my original post up for you. If not please let me know, as I want to make sure the post is not misleading or confusing.

H3N3 said:
Daniel, I'm not sure you quite understood the initial post.
It sounds like you'd be interested in what the OP is saying they'd like to provide an alternative to-- it could be me who's not understanding but I think Cycle Studio is describing sitting in the saddle cranking a way at a steady pace for several hours.
(It could be me who's not getting it though).
Anyways, if I'm understanding correctly, I wish I was at a place in my life at which I could devote hours and hours to something like this, but the advantage of spinning (as in Johnny G R TM etc.) is that you can pack a similar level of workout into 50 minutes.

daniel brown said:
I would be interested in this : even though I enjoy riding outdoors year 'round; sometimes it's so nice
to not have to worry about : layering (and freezing or overheating); traffic; potholes, etc. and just
ride. A group setting with lots of visuals (TeeVees, mirrors, etc.) and audio (music, instructor/coach)
is really enjoyable. You can get a really intense (or not) stress-free workout this way.

What's even cooler (I've done this) is to bike to the indoor session (as a warm up); shed the layers
and do the workout; then re-apply the layers for a slow EZ cool-down ride home.

leave the car at home ! (or at the ex'es !)

I'm totally interested! I just quit smoking and need to build my lungs and body back up. What is the cost, and I have never done any indoor cycling before.
Hi Daniel- The cost for the 90-minute endurance class mentioned in this post is $39.00 for four weeks. If you are interested in our regular classes (a 45-minute workout) we offer the first class for free with our online coupon, and after that we have multiple packages to choose from, starting at $10 for one ride to $50 for monthly unlimited rides and 5 or 10 ride packages in between.

Since mentioned you never participated in an indoor cycling class before, I would suggest coming to one of our regular classes with the free coupon so you get a feel of what the workout is like. This way you get a feel for this style of workout and can make a decision if you would want to do 45-minute sessions or our 90-minute endurance classes.

We are a No Membership, No Term-Contract fitness center so the only fees you will ever incur are the cost of the packages themselves. If you visit our website you can find more information on the package prices and specific class times.

Also if you have any more questions please feel free to let me know.

Daniel Villarreal said:
I'm totally interested! I just quit smoking and need to build my lungs and body back up. What is the cost, and I have never done any indoor cycling before.
Correction: The cost for the 90-minute endurance class mentioned in this post is $39.00 for four weeks. The cost for our 90-minute endurance classes will be $15 per class and we will honor any of the 5, 15, or Monthly Unlimited Ride packages.
Hello Juan,

Yes our 90-minute endurance classes will be more cycle oriented. We have actually lined up a different instructor all together from our normal cycling class, which will help to not have such a "spinning" influence on the class.

We hope to have more information available on our website by the beginning of the work week. However, I will keep you all posted for now.
It's been made official...

Starting February 28th, 2010 TheCycleStudio will hold the first 90-Minute Endurance Class. The Class will be held from 12:00pm - 1:30pm.

More information will become available over the next few days on our website.

If anyone has any more questions about the class, please feel free to contact us.
Hi, I am quite interested, as I maybe going on a two day long ride for a charity cause this summer. What day/times are these offered. Thanks. Sorry I responded without fully checking it out, but this seems to be exactly what I may be needing for my Summer long ride preparation.
I personally think that no spinning environment can fully prepare you for outdoor riding. Best way to get ready for any extended ride is to actually get out there and do extended rides instead of trying to cram it into a 90 minute workout. Also IMHO there is a certain benefit to be had from having a few months of light riding which can be easily duplicated with a trainer, it let's the body recover and properly rest.



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